Set Description:
Anticipations for Villains keep it lively in this set. We've got Spidey seeing double, and he is having a time of it. Plot twists, new discoveries, and the overall theme getting grim for the web-slinger! It gets so bad; Spidey changes his wardrobe midway through. Much to his surprise and to go on for years, but "Wait, there is more!" Artist's fill out runs with delicate precision, like the infamous Romita Jr and McFarlane. Holding true with pencil and then the pen, these collaborators give and again. A new beginning!
Spidey always gets the bad guy, with a little help from his friends!
Friends and Family have pushed an already Amazing Spider-man to his limits and all while creating boundaries. Those lines blur in this go around, as he once again has to sort it all out. Between home, work, and the all-around friendly neighborhood, it is getting this web-crawler to look beyond himself. Though the trials will come, he hasn't lost hope in faith and love. Steady girls, role models, and other type quid pro quo acquaintances, as friends are pouring in around the already tumultuous landscape. Those he has close have been found willing, it would seem, to sort through the wreckage. Spidey is not alone, and only after his stresses have surmounted will he see his weakness. Will those true to him have been found able to still his spirit with courage? It is all in order to web another day! Outcomes prove fruitful, if only to make him believe the claim of being "amazing", and he is still a hero when those that are seeking his demise are found to all have secrets themselves!

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Amazing Spider-Man 201 |
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Amazing Spider-Man 201 Modern |
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Owner Comments
Punisher appearance. Marv Wolfman story with Keith Pollard & Jim Mooney art, and a John Romita & Bob McLeod cover. Is Spidey standing in the way of a man and his armory? That was new for me as a kid reading the fun loving "friendly neighborhood Spider-man." Believe it or not Spidey used to question the means by which good overcame evil, and not that it is all irrelevant today, but those questions he posed to himself in thought bubbles would intrigue a young reader. To not always give in to an easy solution, but find the effective ways to right a wrong, with simple understanding, and not to give too permanent a solution to temporary problems! Peter Parker under the mask has met the understanding within himself many times, and as for his usual sarcastic self, it would serve as a backdrop to portraying him as a real thinking person with life issues. He has lost his temper at times too, and not always gone too far, using restraint! A beautiful CGC 9.6!
Complete with a back cover picture of the prescreen pass before released to theaters of, "The Kid Who Would Be King!" Garnishing those that would find the head strong will to be head of the pack, with new "powers" come new attitudes, but strength in numbers is real. Spidey like Excalibur, here in this issue, teaches that with power comes great responsibility! A moral with a "Sword in the Stone" kind of vibe! That is the permanent solution to any problem, however temporary or not, to not give in to one's weakness in justice!
Graders Notes Unavailable.
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Amazing Spider-Man 202 |
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Amazing Spider-Man 202 Modern |
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Owner Comments
Punisher appearance. Marv Wolfman story. Keith Pollard & Jim Mooney art. Keith Pollard & Joe Rubinstein cover. Some drug pushers and the Punisher seeking those to, well, be punished! He first finds Peter Parker by breaking into his apartment, but quick thinking on the part of Peter, he says it is all in accordance with the Spider-man as an alibi. That is convenient, but then the Punisher apologizes and is none the wiser. Punisher along with Spidey gladiate and to the point of exertion, being against all odds, as they are singled out, but not without coming to terms of what the official crisis is among the hoodlums and drugs. Bought this circa 2024 from boardie "ft88" with a number of others that I won't mention it in every description, but those Punisher appearances in early Spidey issues really seem to count towards some covers of swift action and otherwise all out brawls, with bullets even!
Complete with a back cover picture of the screen at the prescreen before released publicly of, "The Gladiator: II!" A numbers game that finds those with loyalty being rewarded by an otherwise underdog with a legacy. Throwing dirt in the eye it is not as well-rounded as the first movie, but the years between them do promote the ambition of taking up the mantles that sometimes lay by the wayside. Gladiator and pauper alike view the spectator like arena's in collecting comics, comics, comics.
Grader Notes:
light creasing to cover;
moderate bends to cover;
moderate spine stress lines to cover.
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Amazing Spider-Man 203 |
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Amazing Spider-Man 203 Modern |
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Owner Comments
3rd appearance of Dazzler. Lightmaster appearance. A lightshow in itself, that spurred later characters of note, but here the Dazzler gets her display as a cover and spectacularly. Showing that blinding the enemy almost happens all its own, but what will be revealed in the light is what holds true. Spider-Man gets an ear full and also an eyeful to make those spider-senses sing in tune. It was all on a day that the Spider-Man was deducing things, that he discovers a distress and finds a damsel holding her own, but he tries to help in any way he can. Such is the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man! He is not always as underfoot as it seems, though he does try and understand the ways of social behavior. Comics are great reads if only to learn, and try and try again, if at first you don't succeed. Taking those character flaws to polish is a lifelong endeavor, but the story building proves fruitful towards the vine of an ever-expanding rooted tree and universe.
Complete with a back cover picture of those in a modern light show of characters and in statue form of, "Jubilee!" Today is the day of salvation and that is proclaiming as being a Jubilee, and of years past carrying on the display of lights, camera, ACTION! Hers are more fireworks, which may be a louder and prouder display, but she is young enough to belong to Xavier's School for Higher Learning and she can have the Dazzler for a mentor.
Grader Notes Unavailable.
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Amazing Spider-Man 205 |
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Amazing Spider-Man 205 Modern |
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Owner Comments
Black Cat appearance. David Michelinie story. Keith Pollard & Jim Mooney art. Al Milgrom cover. The Black Cat is back at it and stealing things with a romantic "ring" to them, as Spidey finds himself once again as a therapist within the interactions of her life's ordeals and thievery. The Black Cat is circumventing to her own tendencies as she romanticizes the stones, of the shiny and sparkling variety. Only to have herself thrust in maneuvers towards the chandeliers of the high life within her acrobats. It is amazing how the Spider-man falls for the cat call like reflexes of the, "Woe is me!" Of an attitude fierce variety that Spidey, however, is also not able to "help himself" while in the throes of being a hero and finding himself having to be just to do his duty in any way or form in order to stop the capers. As the Black Cat is in a narrowing line of escape, she herself just wants to live by the whims of adrenaline and Spidey won't sway her actions nor cause.
Complete with a back cover picture of the "readers box" when watching Spidey trip over the wares left behind of an all-out spectacle. It is another type of ring that he is used to, and no Karate Kid Dojo has ever prepared him for the audience of the less traveled though experienced Black Cat. Might as well have looked at Spidey with a side eye!
Grader Notes;
bends to cover.
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Amazing Spider-Man 206 |
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Amazing Spider-Man 206 Modern |
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Owner Comments
Doctor Jonas Harrow appearance. Roger Stern story. John Byrne & Gene Day art. Al Milgrom cover. A "harrower" is one that causes acute sorrow, and here we have Jonas (not of the brothers I might add) playing with the amnesiac J. Jonah Jameson to cause upheaval and or emotional turmoil. As everyone loves and was Kung-Fu Fighting, it takes a Spider-man as an employed Peter Parker to hash it all out and get to the bottom of the circumstances. Having already influenced people or villains such as the Wisp, it takes a backdrop to the main story that things are bigger than they seem. Bought from boardie "ft88" this circa 2024 end of year, it was a nice addition to the collection to build and create some quantity of quality for the registry. Honing those skills to infiltrate the new year, while saying good dealings with the current, it is all an emotional tear jerk in itself!
Complete with a back cover picture of a certain Harrower himself, "THE Crow!" A Sideshow statue that I bought to help out the Local Comic Shop when their van needed work. Featuring the likeness of Brandon Lee himself and toting the self-proclaimed crow of sorrow along with weapon and his wife's wedding ring around his neck, seemingly walking a fire trail and causing those of emotional upheaval to know his brand of justice in mercy. "The Crow had tattoos?" Upper left shows 8 of them, and no matter how they are "temporary", justice in mercy will prevail!
Grader Notes;
spine stress lines to cover.
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Amazing Spider-Man 207 |
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Amazing Spider-Man 207 Modern |
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Owner Comments
Mesmero appearance. Denny O'Neil story. Jim Mooney & Pablo Marcos art. Mike Nasser & Al Milgrom cover. It is about a puppet type master, as Mesmero gets out staged. Attempting to curb his review he hypnotizes or otherwise tries to end the life of the critic. When Spider-man intervenes, he then is the new focus of Mesmero's intentions on stage and in view of a captive audience. That takes some pluck and or nerve to be outshined before the curtain call, but Spidey manages to pull off the heroics and even after being paid for the performance. Spidey has the presence of mind where others come first, but his heart lies in the knowledge of how to do so, which with the ever-so-sarcastic Spidey he then sometimes struggles. He can win over a heart or audience given time but is only allotted a few instances that are within his reach this issue, which can be a sticky wicket. As the TV show Family Guy likes to say, "Everybody Gets One!"
Complete with a back cover picture of the prescreen pass before released publicly to theaters of, "The Fanatic!" A longtime fan, such as in this issue of Amazing Spider-man, of film is trying to see his favorite performing star. Only then to get swept up in trying to be in contact when the first showing doesn't go well. This turns into an obsession, kind of similar to Mesmero who abhors the critics and is shortsighted this issue. This movie stars John Travolta!
Grader Notes;
creasing to cover.
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Amazing Spider-Man 208 |
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Amazing Spider-Man 208 Modern |
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Owner Comments
1st appearance of Lance Bannon & Fusion, the Twin Terror (Hubert & Pinky Fusser). Science is once again at the forefront for the Pinky and the Brain type. Who are doing what they do every night! Try to take over the world. After this the Pinky named janitor and his fellow scientist play with the universe, and they are bonded together inseparable. The Pinky character attempts to do right and severs the bond, but the fusion that was at play means they must stay within a radius of proximity to each other, to survive. A not so virtual prison develops and there is no longer a true way to part ways. With the goodness that Pinky, it is then having to put up with what he discouraged to begin with and for the rest of their existence. Such is the piety of carnality in real time, if one understands there is good vs evil, and however they label it for themselves, as The Truth does often enough play out but sometimes by slim margins, which is unfortunate.
Complete with a back cover picture of the Animaniacs Comic, which starred said Pinky and the Brain characters and were created by Steven Spielberg and Co., even the tagline, "Try to take over the world!" Repetitiveness can have its sway but by nature still be chaotic, especially if positive results are not produced, and such are the mouse traps of the world but to build a better one and you've got the double-sided coin to see profit!
Grader Notes:
bends to cover;
spine stress lines to cover.
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Amazing Spider-Man 212 |
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Amazing Spider-Man 212 Modern |
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Owner Comments
1st appearance of the Hydro-man, in 9.6 white pages! Oh Ya! Give me someone who looks a lot like that "Sandman" character, and that instead spews water, that's got to be easier to find than sand! Unless of course you're made of the stuff and don't need to manipulate the matter! Bruce Lee said be like water! Even Bruce could squash the bugs. Spidey has the kick swoosh that whites out the air in one fail swoop. Keep it together, cause they're in the streets and they don't want innocent bystanders to get washed out to sea. Boom Roasted. Hydro-man takes a while to appear again, however I think he loses weight or gets a little more fit. In this issue he has too much water weight. He looks plump but this issue was distributed around Christmas, so maybe he was full of holiday ham. Time will tell if the water can move the mountain of media, although when it is time, those Copper Age books will be mined for nostalgia.
Complete with a back cover picture of Avatar the Way of Water prescreen movie pass before it hit theaters! Fitting for this the first Hydro Man appearance. The way of water had the effects in film that had visual appeal as well. Movies do affect comics or bring to bear the market. Really expensive effects and affects! A lot to take in but respectfully done. Even Alien comics actress Sigourney Weaver was representing in the film, this time with water!
Graders Notes Unavailable.
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Amazing Spider-Man 213 |
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Amazing Spider-Man 213 Modern |
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Owner Comments
Wizard & Llyra appearance. Denny O'Neil story. John Romita Jr. & Jim Mooney art. John Romita Jr. & Al Milgrom cover. Backing up the process of villainy with beautiful women and the sands through the hourglass. A prison escape, a neighbor who is attractive, and a wizard in the meeting place of the Amazing Spider-man's apartment building. Well, it all gets dropped in the lap of a still unaware Peter Parker who is webbing up the neighborhood, being tracked this time instead of tracking of his own! Showing that circumstances can still prove that it might be all out of his control to begin with, and sometimes he comes to this revelation on his own. Still, who or what can make sense of the situations when the mysterious individuals are not revealed until next issue. It is all why Peter Parker likes Mary Jane, who is dependable, steady, while still somehow being the life of the party. These are the "days of Spidey's lives!"
Complete with a back cover picture of the prescreen pass before released to theaters of "Cordially Invited!" Starring Reese Witherspoon and Will Ferrel as they sport not as much romance but the hilarity of points we've exhausted through on dates, while this issue Spider-man keeps seeing a gorgeous woman that shows up to his place and he is being beckoned to a trap! It is surmountable in the long run, but what mysteries await?
Grader Notes Unavailable.
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Amazing Spider-Man 214 |
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Amazing Spider-Man 214 Modern |
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Owner Comments
Sub-Mariner & Frightful Four. (Wizard, Trapster, Sandman & Llyra) appearance. Mysterious strangers and their ability to track a Spider-man are being revealed this issue. Among all the conjecture, neighbors of Parker's apartment dwelling are now welcoming the likes of the Submariner! All accumulating into a shebang of turmoil that reflects the everyday webbings that eventually get photographed for the Daily Bugle! All the makings of some lifeblood in relating to the Spider-man, and even among the ones that the Submariner brings to light while knocking a few blows with a Friendly Neighborhood Spider-man! Peter Parker will come to terms within his inner circle, and he is still finding trust among his self-talk that is ever evolving. Mary Jane still finds it enough of a wild side to make do with him as a mate, as it is all boundless within the illustrated pages, and keeping us, as comic readers, seeking to find those next issues from the bargain bins!
Complete with a back cover picture of the "screen" at the prescreen before released publicly of, "Hunter Killer!" Speaking of the Submariner and sometimes a hunter, it is for those killer underwater type of submarine adventures that are the real quality. When lost in the ocean of relations, whether foreign to you or others, it can take those vehicles that are stronger in the said water, and such is the sub aquatic vehicles of life with adventurers and adventures.
Grader Notes:
moderate creasing to cover;
moderate spine stress lines to cover;
light staining to cover.
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Amazing Spider-Man 216 |
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Amazing Spider-Man 216 Modern |
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Owner Comments
Madame Web appearance. Denny O'Neil story. John Romita Jr. & Jim Mooney art. John Romita Jr. & Al Milgrom cover. The pitfalls of clairvoyance that can take a stumble towards those darker premonitions, as it is never for the benefit and in the long run is only something to avoid. Why not avoid it all together and enjoy it as it happens? Life includes something such as prophecy, of which clairvoyance is a cheap imitation. Is this Madame Web kin? Akin to something from a Spider and said universe? It is all a mockup of how she is to use her disguise into something with influence, as somehow a "telling of psychic abilities" just isn't doing the trick. Faith, Hope and Love win out, as the Spider-man tries to defy premonition in thwarting an assassination attempt. That these foretelling's now only forbid the Spider-man of his own choice in the matter causes him to decide and deduce for himself. Once you take "choice" out of the equation it is not long until you're blinded by the light.
Complete with a back cover picture of the prescreen pass before released publicly of the movie, "Moana: 2!" Starring Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and a telling of a love for culture, but sometimes it is in the right place and time, as family gets involved. Not the fake kind but just growing up and naturally living out those whims of notions and taking some responsibility for the actions of choice and the power therein of that freedom.
Grader Notes:
crease right bottom ofbreaks color;
finger bends front cover;
small indent bottom of front cover.
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Amazing Spider-Man 231 |
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Amazing Spider-Man 231 Modern |
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Owner Comments
Cobra & Mister Hyde appearance. Friends come to bargain after the "Cobra" is apparently living it up by himself in a life of crime. He is thwarted by an Amazing Spider-man but not without some casualties, namely Ned Leeds! Who has taken poison darts by way of being a hero himself by jumping in the way to save another. All a buildup to down the road goblins that will take control of minds and spirits. Cobra himself then becoming barter to the Mr. Hyde who had been thought flash frozen in a battle with Captain America in a previous encounter. Spidey finds himself precariously involved when trying to get to the police, after fending off the brunt of the altercation, as it ends. Bought this from boardie "ft88" in a board's transaction circa 2024-year end. All in the cards of taking in holidays with eating, while hoping to round the year out nicely with slabs and those collecting urges! Cracked case.
Complete with a back cover picture of the "Cobra Kai" menu from the prescreen before released to streaming, it takes those cobras of old to show with what whimsy the new is packaged. Notwithstanding there are always room for getting alone in solemn meditation for the Christmas spirit among manger activities with psalms. Always be a helping hand to those happy and rewarding morals, and with the morale therein!
Grader Notes:
light bends to cover;
light creasing to cover;
light spine stress lines to cover;
light staining to cover.
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Amazing Spider-Man 233 |
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Amazing Spider-Man 233 Modern |
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Owner Comments
Tarantula appearance. By the nick of a blow to the chin. Spidey KO's the Tarantula, but not after their common enemy has taken gunfire and is in need of medical attention. Focus on the Tarantula shows him winded but not down for the count, and the Spidey was needing the info on the one suffering from gunfire. That info would have awarded him a bonus from J. Jonah Jameson who is offering the prize for the scoop. Ned Leeds is in the background, however, having a story to tell of his own, and that he doesn't want Jameson's mind and authority to run away with themselves, in an attempt to implicate a Spider-man feud! Bought this circa 2024 from boardie "ft88" in an end of the year board transaction. Super grateful, as with the holiday rush of the Christ spirit, I then get to sum up the year with a collection of slabs and CGC registry fun! On to the New Year!
Complete with a Christmas back cover picture of the screen at the prescreen before released publicly of the movie, "Red ONE!" Starring Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, who along with me will not be celebrating Krampus. It was a showing of the take down, and the embarrassing ways that one's dressed in red like the Tarantula and Santa seemingly get knocked in the sleigh bells to be taken for a ride! Toting those bags of the red one's quickening flip punch, "Ka-Pow!"
Grader Notes:
light creasing to cover;
light spine stress lines to cover;
light staining to cover;
moderate bends to cover.
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Amazing Spider-Man 234 |
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Amazing Spider-Man 234 Modern |
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Owner Comments
Will O' the Wisp & Tarantula appearance. 16 page ""Marvel Comics Guide to Collecting Comics"" insert included. Well guess who is back in town! Looking not as a team up, but instead to wind up causing each other their own demise in harm. Spider-man is always in the middle whether it be love or enemy, girl or boy, and or, the good vs evil. It will take some accomplishments in the grades at school to promise his courage hasn't taken flight. While fighting his own type hiccups, Peter is again talking to himself almost in the fourth person, and this can't be good for his health. Meanwhile, in a Colbert type ramble, the lab partner is looking to make his own fortune when somehow in the fray the Tarantula gets some science to the face and ends up becoming a real Spider-Tarantula like monster. Spidey takes up the responsibility the next issue, because of course! Cracked case.
Complete with a back cover picture of an art print movie advertisement by the way of this issues publication date, Halloween, "A Nightmare Before Christmas!" A long night full of transformation and possible suspected death by Wisp and Tarantula can tell you it's a nightmare that we all experience! We have seen and know how to be different and for the betterment! 'Tis the season.
Grader Notes:
light bends to cover;
light creasing to cover;
light spine stress lines to cover;
light staining to cover.
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Amazing Spider-Man 235 |
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Amazing Spider-Man 235 Modern |
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Owner Comments
Origin of Will O' the Wisp. Tarantula appearance. While the Will O' the Wisp is presumed dead and is having his origin beans spilled, only to show up at the end, and now the Tarantula is blaming his appearance on the ever-sarcastic Spider-man. Who will pull the punches to lay it all on the string of web, and for what cause will hope spring eternal? Spidey is betwixt the proverbial rock and hard place and uses his agility along with quick thinking to sort out some circumstances on an emotional level, but the "villains" are not caring to hear about any "alternatives!" Those are heavy shoes to fill and crawl with, while the thwip of the web shooter is curbing towards sticking to the guns, and Spidey is relying on those senses of past encounters. Bought towards the year end circa 2024 with some last-minute ingenuity of things priced comfortably and available from boardie "ft88!" All to round out what has been at Christmas time, merry and bright! Cracked case.
Complete with a back cover picture of those said type transformations! Those that were somehow thought a "higher ethos", in a movie advertisement print of "Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes!" Those monsters of science I tell you, as something is prolonging the elimination process, but be it ape or arachnid, us humans can't leave well enough alone.
Grader Notes:
light bends to cover;
light creasing to cover;
light spine stress lines to cover.