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Amazing Spider-man 2 Volumes Worth!

Set Type: Amazing Spider-Man v1&2 LEGACY
Last Modified: 1/28/2025
Views: 917

Rank: 14
Score: 11802
Leading by: 5591
Points to Higher Rank: 2983

Set Description:

Spidey from A-Z. Spidey! It's the same from day to day, stop the crime and find a way. Keep the relationships and make the best of the situation, as all may depend on the timing or thwip of a web! If Peter Parker or Spider-man keeps dating, we may even see a real swinger from time to time. I believe that is the only "wall", so to speak, that has not been partitioned to break. Break even? Peter is, as Peter does, and this is the days of his life "soap opera!"
When the hard times get harder, then Spidey will be the reinforcement needed to overcome, the evil doers beware!

There can be and will be many a volume when it comes to the substance carried on within the Spider-verse. One doesn't necessarily continue to the other, as there are endings in between, but where you pick up and leave off is left to the reader. Marvel comes by way of Timely Comics and a transition that has left nearly a century of established art, writings, and all that can be found within a hero or noir. Amazing Spider-man is a headstrong contender to stand above the rest when it is considered a true end, but ongoing as it is, volumes of time-tested methods with mistakes learned from, which way comes many a rendition of a Spider-man! Eerie and bitten, a bit radioactive: Stan Lee, Steve Ditko, John Romita both SR and JR, along with other immortalized one's such as Todd McFarlane, Mark Bagley, and those that would dare pen a saga, such is this Marvel Universe in volume 1 and 2.

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