CGC Registry

Batman Crusader

Set Type: Batman (Complete with Variants) LEGACY
Last Modified: 2/2/2025
Views: 1166

Rank: 23
Score: 2177
Leading by: 333
Points to Higher Rank: 162

Set Description:

He's the Dark Knight! He keeps a cowl in the basement and goes out looking for crime! We need to make a family bond with this captivating series that says, "We stand for Justice!" No bullets though, we know Kung Fu! This set is filled to the edge, with the eerie and the mysterious. Keeping our heads wondering, "wth???" and "What is next?" A good detective story and series if there ever was one. A battle of wits and near-death experiences.
Batman has been around the block a few times, sowed some seeds of justice, and always brought home the GOLD!

Batman! A similar to a Hey Jude song Na-Na-Na, but it is unto the era of which they all originated and took a first chance! Mucking about Gotham city and taking a glance at seriousness while brooding, with sidekicks in abundant supply! Grayson, Todd, and a few others that didn't disappear into the night, save that Batman was the father of the night. A Batty time full of gizmos that were sublime in the limelight of movies and ephemera. To what end? The joy that brought us through all these years, with a girded step along with stride or strut. Batman got in swift kicks of criminal's behinds below the moonlight for the good of right! All upon the front of curbing the frights that spurred Gotham citizen rights, and not just because a Batman appeared. They were there all along, now the Batman is finding the right stuff to put them down!

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