Set Description:
Tales of the Teen Titans, the continued of the "Bat-Family", they need development in other media to get the good name going. Whether it is a falling out, moving on, or just acting in the name of justice; time heals all wounds and we're just getting started in this series of characters, bring on the Death-Stroke! 1,2 stroke, 3-4, stroke! Ha-ha. It isn't funny, but the strokes of nostalgia are strong with this series. Coming off the back of long-established brands like the Batman, only to offer something new or offer a fresh perspective!
"Tales" as in the stories weren't enough, now they are old enough to be Tales, but yet, not even reprints, as these are new and exciting stories. First to print!
Within are the tales of after school hijinks, and whether by the usual hero type is unknown except the Teen Titans will continue their teamwork, just outside of usual school sessions of putting away the bad guys and gals. Much could be said for the bonding these Titans have come away with and for their betterment among their peers, that in itself is its own world of ongoing saga's. Those mentors in these stories mostly take a backseat to see the Teen Titans make do by themselves and with what courage and or Moxxi they've learned in endurance with stamina. By and large Robin is still a team leader, while the others fall within brackets of their own usefulness to make a dream work as a team!
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Tales of the Teen Titans 44 |
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Tales of the Teen Titans 44 Modern |
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1st Nightwing and Jericho. Origin of Deathstroke! The cover makes you say, "shenanigans!" Can there really be 3 awesome origins? To tell all, I got this at the Fan Expo Dallas Comic-Con 2019 from the Duncanville Bookstore who was set up there. Paid a fair amount, fair enough to learn of Duncanville and respect their pricing. They're located in Dallas! New to me! The book meant that I could finally own a Nightwing book that I want to learn more about. I have seen him referenced in other media: TV, the internet, and in Batman lore! I had not the pleasure before this issue to read on my own. A Hard black cover in grade, although there are a lot, it could be harder to keep in grade raw. I'm happy to have picked it out slabbed already. Time is on the side of the Titans, but if all are "newer" characters, is this book still about the old Titans or making a transition?
Complete with a back cover picture of the insides from a $7 under copy picked up at Half Price Books, showing the transformation of "Boy'z to Men" of Nightwing and Jericho. Don't steal the spotlight, we've got to be adults about it!
Graders Notes Unavailable.
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Tales of the Teen Titans 55 |
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Tales of the Teen Titans 55 Universal |
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Changeling vs. Deathstroke. Marv Wolfman story. Ron Randall art. Eduardo Barreto cover. The Teen Titans fit into this, somehow, but the how or why is not clear yet, and poor Deathstroke the Terminator is on trial and sent to prison, in a way. The Changeling is out for retribution and is getting in a licking, until this version of "Terminator" has his own idea! Showing up as Slade Wilson rather than any of his Alter Ego's, the Changeling is more willing to talk and hear out the cause of innocence. Slade lays it out that the decision has been overturned, but the reputation being what it is, the Changeling hesitates but cools off. Such is life, or C'est la vie! Knowing how you can turn it around offers hope, but sometimes the majority of those decisions are still in the eye of the beholder. Bought from Titan Comics the first of January circa 2025, it is nice to see the New Year in writing, and with that, another one down for the registry.
Complete with another "Changeling" of a prescreen pass to the movie before released publicly of, "Better Man!" A documentary, of sorts, filmed with a CGI monkey's head over the face to document "Robbie Williams!" A U.K. singer of fame and fortune that turns to innocence after breaking off the band and drugs for a solo career. Deathstroke may not find that newfound innocence so easy to keep, when he is really an untamed barrel of monkeys compared to the Teen Titans, which is saying something given some iterations.
Grader Notes Unavailable.
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