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Warren's - "Marvel's Stan Lee Tribute Banner 1922-2018

Set Type: Marvel's Stan Lee Tribute Comics 1922-2018
Last Modified: 6/21/2023
Views: 571

Rank: 2
Score: 3274
Leading by: 3043
Points to Higher Rank: 84

Set Description:

A most deserving and appropriate tribute to Stan the Man Lee.

The world of comics has lost a legend. Stan Lee passed away on November 12th, 2018, at the age of 95, and the world of comics is recognizing the ending of an era. To call Lee a pioneer in the world of comics would be an understatement: he's a crucial part of the reason that you, me, or anyone else knows what Marvel Comics is, having created staple characters such as Spider-Man, Hulk, the Fantastic Four, the X-Men, Black Panther, Iron Man, and even Guardians of the Galaxy's Groot. His pen was as sensational as his vocabulary, bringing the air of whimsy and bombast that character as huge as superheroes deserved. He's the reason why people still use the word "Excelsior!"

On the back of most covers you'll find Stan's Soapbox

Hang loose, heroes! Now that I've got your ear, I'm not lettin' go! Our first tintinnabulating topic is gonna be: "The Marvel Philosophy." Whenever I get together with any of you frantic ones, the first question posed is usually "What are you fellas really trying to DO in your mags? What message are you pushin'? Is the whole Marvel series just a big put-on, or are you trying to TELL us something? Are you actually serious about your characters - do you really believe in 'em - ? Etc." Well, just between us, we believe in our cavortin' characters a lot more than we believe in some people we know, and we do have a motive - a purpose - behind our mags! That purpose is, plain and simple - to entertain you! We think we've found the best formula of all - we merely create the type of fanciful yarns that we ourselve enjoy - and, if we like 'em, you oughtta like 'em too; after all, you're our kinda people! Now then, in the process of providing off-beat entertainment, if we can also do our bit to advance the cause of intellectualism, humanitarianism, and mutual understanding...and to toss a little swingin' satire at you in the process...that won't break our collective heart one tiny bit! That's it pussycat! Thanks for listenin'!

Excelsior !

Nuff said -

Marvel's Stan Lee Tribute Banner 1922-2018 -------------- February, 2019 to March, 2019

When complete the set will contain 131 issues, across 48 different titles.

Currently my set contains 101 issues graded at 9.8.

So far only 2 issues
The following listing is a recap BY ARTIST and ISSUE NUMBER:

Jay Anacleto ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 ISSUE
Black Widow Unknown Comics Edition, Issue #1,
Mark Brooks --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 ISSUE
Extermination Unknown Comics Edition, Issue #5
Mirka Andolfo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 ISSUE
Black Widow #1 Mirka Andolfo Variant Cover
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