CGC Registry

Silver Surfer the Ongoing and the Series of Space Confrontation

Set Type: Silver Surfer #1-#18
Last Modified: 1/20/2024
Views: 442

Rank: 189
Score: 645
Leading by: 6
Points to Higher Rank: 7

Set Description:

Silver Surfer-Stan Lee, with a story out of this planet. A Jack Kirby created character, with Stan to take a ride to the ends of spacetime and beyond. Stan fleshes out his favorite character to delve into the ether! Searching for a reason for the Surfer to no longer be a "Herald!" Alone they search, Stan and the Surfer, for meaning! Found only in the pages between, affixed to the material, the writer bares all. Coming between a writer and his story? Well, if it is the subject of the Surfer of the Space Ways, better rely on the professionals to get the job done. In Classic Marvel Style and Method!
The Surfer knows a lot of things or has at least felt things. He even has had a lot of experiences, but there was a time when he was more blind, and that time when he knew only what was before him and not true freedom!

Silvery Starlight with a Surfer as a Night Lite. To take back those feelings of wandering the galaxy, coming home to America the brave and finding likeminded or discovering them anyway. It will play a big picture out in space, for the rider of the space-ways, coming to terms with ways that he can help and standing firm. He realizes earth is central to existence and by reason of the characters they represent, he finds others to protect as well, and yet takes delight in the earth and the inhabitants. Seeing those attributes as worthy and or in himself, the Silver Surfer is taken up stock for serving and protecting these that inspire courage, compassion and hopes of the pursuit toward the brighter tomorrow of alighting the hearts; Surfer included. The silver is just a bonus of praise! Hard to just say we like it for the color scheme, but that is almost too simple and plain.

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