CGC Registry

Journey Into Mystery, the Thor For ME!

Set Type: Journey Into Mystery #83-#125
Last Modified: 1/14/2020
Views: 259

Rank: 239
Score: 150
Leading by: 11
Points to Higher Rank: 2

Set Description:

Thor Classic Covers, captivating art and stories. We've got the gambit and all the frivolity for the adventure friend. Right here in the Journey into Mystery that first featured the Thor, a Hammer, and the worthiness that we can all aspire too. Thor doesn't disappoint at all and does well enough to get his own solo story line as well! Along the way, learning and using the wisdom found in the power that comes.
Come along with me and let me tell you a story about the Thor of Mystery, that took back a rainbow bridge and counted the stars, all while taking the Hulk out of Asgard!
"Courtesy of Imgur"

Thor is a journey in itself as long as it's been with Marvel in publication in some form or another. It has enough depth to be considered deep, along with enough meat on the bone to be considered substance. Asgard and Asgardians are with those spirited warriors that are enough to deal with, but as with most gods Earth seems to bring its own troubles with some hot seekers of targets the universe wide. Indeed, Thor almost spends more time here than his home, other than it is his mission to defend and protect as his own. He is a family to those who take him in, but he has taken in his own share of dilemmas by those who would seek his assistance and that is enough on his resume to become very popular. Those are day by day circumstances but those piled on over years has proven generous to say the least of those from the land and the people of the Asgardians! It is definitely a Journey Into Mystery for sure.

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