CGC Registry

Aero: A Shanghai Heroine

Set Type: Aero (2019) All Variants
Owner: ParadoxTremors
Last Modified: 12/4/2019
Views: 405

Rank: 1
Score: 64
Leading by: 32
Points to Higher Rank: N/A

Set Description:


Aero was created for the Chinese market by the writer and artist team of Zhou Jiajun and Xu Ming and first appeared in the Chinese Marvel comic "Aero" (Chinese version) issue #1 (2018). Her first American debut was in "War of the Realms: New Agents of Atlas" issue #1 (2019). The original Chinese Aero comic would later be published or "reprinted" in the American Aero series.


As a brilliant Chinese architect and rising young elite, Lei Ling wants to build a better, balanced and more beautiful Shanghai. She works incredibly hard to achieve an unprecedented level of success for herself and her city by balancing her career and life as a Superheroine.

Lei Ling:

As a child, Lei Ling dreams of flying every night and then one day she could fly. She grows up to become an architect and works at Sacred Tree Design Studio helping build her home of Shanghai in China. For the love of her city, she becomes Shanghai’s powered protector and values that her secret identity keeps her and her loved ones safe while it allows her to live a normal life.


Aero can control the air by thinking about it. She can use air currents to feel past concrete and project blasts of wind gusts that knock down whole buildings. Aero can also control air currents under herself to hover and fly and extends this ability to others as well.

Native to Shanghai, Aero speaks Shanghainese, or the Shanghai dialect, a variety of Wu Chinese as well as English.

Fearsome Foes:

When Malekith brought his War of the Realms to Midgard, Sindr, the Queen of Cinders and Msupelheim and daughter of Surtur, takes the opportunity to transform Earth into her fiery hellscape. She uses her Fire Goblins and Flames of Msupelheim to attack the Pacific Rim, and Aero faces the mad Asgardian God alongside the New Agents of Atlas.

Aero’s Allies and Alliances:

Zou Yu is Lei Ling’s boyfriend.

Aero works alongside Pearl Pangan, AKA Wave, and Tutu Pele, AKA Pele the Hawaiian Goddess of fire, and Lin Lie, AKA Sword Master, and they go up against the Fire Goblins of Msupelheim in the North Pacific.

In fighting the Queen Sindr and her forces, Aero joins the new agents of Atlas, a secret society formed under the Atlas Foundation and team of Superheroes led by former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Jimmy Woo and current headmaster of the Pan-Asian School for the Unusually Gifted. The team members she fights alongside include Amadeus Cho, AKA Brawn, Shang-Chi, AKA Master of Kung Fu and Cindy Moon, AKA Silk.

Aero and Atlas also team up with Ami Han, AKA White Fox, of South Korea’s National Intelligence Service, Dan Bi, AKA Crescent, the magic bear Io, and Seol Hee, AKA Luna Snow.

Posted 12-01-2019
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