CGC Registry

The Mistress of the Dark Beckons from the Newsstand

Set Type: Elvira's House of Mystery (1986)
Owner: Tec-Tac-Toe
Last Modified: 5/4/2020
Views: 206

Rank: 6
Score: 48
Leading by: 12
Points to Higher Rank: 6

Set Description:

This set presents the eleven issue "newsstand run" of DC Comic's Elvira's House of Mystery. In addition to the regular issues, DC also published Elvira's House of Mystery Special #1. Despite being a title that did not reach twelve issues; perhaps the "magic number" for a comic book series; unless you count the special issue, it is nevertheless a very enjoyable read with some great covers, including a nice back exterior cover on the first issue, and very nice interior art.

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