CGC Registry

Claws of the Unconquered

Set Type: Claw the Unconquered (1975)
Owner: Lee K
Last Modified: 12/10/2020
Views: 280

Rank: 4
Score: 90
Leading by: 30
Points to Higher Rank: 8

Set Description:

I gotta tell you - I think Claw the Unconquered gets a raw deal. I mean, here we are - 1975 - Conan is going strong and Kull is as well, but that's it - right? Of all of the other sword & sorcery books - nobody is running as many issues as Claw, and after issue 12 he continues as a backup story in Warlord. OK - I guess Warlord is going strong too. But Red Sonja? 15 issues (yes, 15 is fewer than 12 - boobs shouldn't count); Sword of Sorcery? 5; Beowulf 6; Thongorr? 8. Yeah, 12 issues is a pretty good run in my mind.

So, I got a thing for swords. I grew up on Conan paperbacks and when those ran out the Gor series. Conan comics, and Red Sonja, and Claw were far more common reading material in my collection than spandex wearing superheroes. At least until I discovered Warren mags.

Anyway, I like swords so much that when I learned about stage combat, jousting and such, when I was in my late 20's - I learned that. And then I performed with a jousting troupe for 25+ years. So I know just a little bit about wearing armor (real armor, not theatrical) and how you swing an axe.
For those of you that are familiar with my other sets in the registry, you know that as an artist I often have a very strong opinion about the cover art. For Claw, I anticipate having a strong opinion about the cover art and about the weapons and armor as well.

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