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Price variants too! The ongoing series! The Canadian Price or Newsstand Editions to find your immovable hammer fun series! Make an awesome villain and name him Mr. Bill, you just want to hurt me, thunder god! Indeed, a good romp. Laugh along until it gets too heavy, and you'll have to become "worthy" to pick up these hammers. Tales that make you unwind, like a frog relaxing all cool on a lily pad. There might be worthy "Frog Thor" comics too, according to media.
They need a catchy theme song for Thor, as I think they've nailed it, so far, and while I can respect Led Zeppelin or Guns N Rose's we need to continue the thrashing but with just as fair a representation!
Back in Black wasn't on the roster for this journey, even though an Iron Man sometimes joins the fray, it is a Led Zepplin filled uphill battle all the way. With a god of lightning always bringing the Thunder and Hammer! He then takes up a language barrier of an Asgardian and as Thor he then continues the out-world banter. He doesn't always hear the accent or enunciations of his words that take his form of character as "odd" but therein lies the Asgardian humor of a Thor, and when it suits him or his traits among others, it can be very personable, which otherwise can seem like a stranger among us. It is Thusly Incorporated into a universe now traveling in league with Avengers, as one himself and among the very best within the genre from Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. Of a time and space that can quite literally serve their function well, and no matter the climb, it takes those writers and artists to illustrate and keep the ongoing victor over travail in an ongoing series!

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Thor 140 |
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Thor 140 Universal |
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1st appearance of the Growing Man. Kang appearance. Nice to grab a 1st appearance in a Thor title! Fine condition or thereabouts could mean popularity is growing even this late in the series. Thinking that if even the lower grades are being slabbed, there may be something to this Silver Age! Filled with the likes of a Stan Lee Story and Jack Kirby and Vince Colletta cover and art. That can fill any collector to the brim with satisfaction, after a Awesome Comics, LCS, trade in of mostly moderns. I needed to offload, and coincidentally the LCS had got in a lot of slabs. I might have picked up more but was cash poor. Nevertheless, it is good to pick up some "back issues", even if already slabbed in mid-grade. Time is ticking on these older books that are no longer sometimes in the $5 bin. 2023 and hereafter, I hope we see some sense of return to normal within the market, but older books are welcome to keep their reputation!
Complete with a back cover picture of the prescreen pass to see Loki Season 2 and in theaters on the big screen, before released publicly. Another reputation maker, but this season is about time, which might muck about with the MCU! His arch adversary for most of the past being Thor!
Grader Notes:
light cover tanning;
light spine stress lines to cover;
light staining to cover;
moderate creasing to cover.
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Thor 163 |
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Thor 163 Universal |
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2nd "cameo" of "HIM" (Warlock) this thingamabob guy has more 1st's than the times I've tried something new! A Keith's Comics (LCS) find that I thought would grade higher, silly sun shadows, it's lock and step with this the coming of the "HIM." A invigorating cover that shows the forefront of the mysterious, drawing you in, and today even back in time. Simpler times make this look as though it was unsettling. Like, "Thor, I know that you're not going to believe this!" Still, with so many cameos and the buildup taking so long, we only caught glimpses up to this point. Thor isn't really even aware until this issue it seems like, and what will the result be? They still had to wait a couple of issues. Stan Lee as pragmatic as he was, and Kirby in the wings, it was about patience. It is a virtue that leads to a perfect work, around the campfire the stories will fly! Something 'created or imagined' can still be put under subjugation to the good book, KJV or thereby translation.
Complete with a back cover picture of another "god" announcement that came to "warn" about impending doom and destruction! Mortal Kombat! Fight. A light up eye's statue with a bit of the cloth to keep behind glass in a cabinet, so that it keeps fresh and so clean, clean! Another "god of lightning" even, RAIDEN!
Grader Notes:
light, multiple shadow back cover;
multiple crease right top of whole book;
small crunch left bottom of whole book.
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Thor 165 |
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Thor 165 Universal |
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1st full appearance of Him (Warlock). Watcher appearance. Last 12 cents issue. Got to love that "HIM" and the resulting character has more cameos and descriptions of 1sts than almost any other character in Marvel fandom. Those kinds of chops make the resulting appearance in Guardians of the Galaxy 3 look as though they could have tried a little harder. It got a good look alike actor, but he was neither menacing nor intimidating as the character. More to the point, he was an overpowered behemoth like child, which HIM was at one point, but in the comics he had much more an intellectual type of analysis mindset built in. Like Cypress Hill said, "That is a Mouthful!" By any standards, the character should not become underutilized, but instead make a big, connected hit of things, with some nostalgia type writing, eventually. Time is on Disney/Marvel side, and they are probably thinking about and reading these issues, I'd hope, to do their due diligence! Magic and the like, even in the Dr. Strange films portray corruption to one's owner, if not a true higher power why then does "HIM" seem to think he is an overcomer? His constant back and forth within himself, he fancies himself an "answer" to his question but is always then being corrected to a "new way of thinking." One must pick up their cross and follow after the Christ if to "work out their own salvation", and even in the mind of comics, the heroes struggle with to whom their own heroes will be!
Complete with a back cover picture of the "Loki Season #2" Hat from the PRESCREEN, with an official Marvel Studios tagline sewn in. My brother went with me and was sold on getting Disney Plus because of this, he may or may not, but more importantly we needed a good pick me up. Solid portrayal of a god of mischief, keep our lamps full of oil, discerning the times.
Grader Notes:
light creasing to cover;
light spine stress lines to cover;
light staple tears;
very light foxing to cover.
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Thor 166 |
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Thor 166 Universal |
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2nd "Full Appearance" of "HIM" (Warlock) Thor VS Warlock. The two giants interlock in combat until "Warlock" is transported away, much to Thor's dissatisfaction, Thor wanted the victory! Good Read, Classic Slugfest! The big reveal was the issue just before this one. "HIM" was a force to be reckoned with, and this issue took him away! Even in the fisticuffs hand to hand struggle, "HIM" held his own, until he deemed it necessary to depart. Thor was aghast at the power and how else to handle such, but to swear by his gods that it would deem the power to rectify this "HIM" character. Thor was snot nosed by the time it was all seemingly done with, and only for now! Another Stan Lee epic, brought to you by Jack Kirby. Got to make them last the test. Tried and true is what we all look to be as and become, purer than fine gold!
Complete with a back cover picture of the prescreen pass to see the movie "Guardians of the Galaxy: Volume 3!" It was before it hit theaters and it featured the ever so present "Warlock!" I got a hat for sharing a hash tag, sure it's only an iron on of Guardians of the Galaxy symbol and on the back the name of the flick. Only one back cover picture allowed, but that pass was hard to get and a reserved slot as a picture!
Grader Notes:
light soiling back cover;
moderate foxing full top of cover;
spine stress lines.
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Thor 337 |
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Thor 337 Modern |
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1st appearance of Beta Ray Bill. Thor's Hammer? Who can be worthy? Clash of gods, its hammer time, let's make with the thunder and lightning! Naming him "Bill?" What a way to give authenticity to a threat, by naming him what you call your neighbor. HAHA! We've got high flying action, as who is deemed worthy is left up to interpretation. Keeping in the Stan Lee style of hype and bravado, Walt Simonson delivers on the blow by blow as it were. Complete with art the creator brings the fight to Thor's doorstep. What shall it be if there is a new worthy hombre in town? Complete with cape and helmet, this other worldly tale takes a deep thought at what is the Journey into Mystery and Thor mythos. We do end up with answers and a way to sort it all out. It needs to be fixed in canon among collectors, that when it happened once upon a blue moon, it happening less often made it big and exciting news!
Complete with back cover pic of a gift from my first ever boardie raffle on the CGC boards! Given to me by the boardie comics4all, a bit earlier issue of Thor #344 1st Malekith, whom had his screentime.
Graders Notes Unavailable.
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Thor 338 |
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Thor 338 Modern |
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2nd appearance of Beta Ray Bill. Woo-Hoo! Does it all with a bit of struggle against the Thor. Does a Hammer Good, got MILK! "Whosoever Holds This Hammer, If He Be Worthy, Shall Possess the Power of Thor!" The instructions are right there written on the subject of the story, the HAMMER. Given it is power and rivals only a few, of course a entity named "BILL" and a "THOR" will go at it for the sake of the cause. Keeping it timely Walt Simonson keeps this tale with a bit of originality for the sake of the readers. Surely, it's unlike turning Thor into a frog. Or Loki into something sea dwelling? Man, oh man, the clash that the thunder like gods are making with their lightning quick reflexes will sum up their "own story and part" of the power struggle. He who has stood the test, and now has sought-after peace will win the collector's honor. With so many available it is a bit like 9.8 or bust, but I think it is fine, as the first to be able to pick up the hammer was a revelation of sorts at the time of release and a worthy read! It has since gone on to have a kind of fame all its own!
Complete with a back cover picture of Joe Jusko's "THOR!" From the Marvel Masterpiece Collection by Jusko book four of four! I can almost hear Led Zeppelin from here!
Graders Notes Unavailable.
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Thor 339 |
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Thor 339 Modern |
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1st Appearance of Storm Breaker. A key weapon used against the Thanos of the imaginary movie that tells the tale of how not to always go in swinging until you have your eyes set on the real target. And isn't that what life is all about in Christ, that He knows and is willing if you TRUST IN HIM :) Well lol, Bill said forget the HAMMER of WORTHINESS, if Thor wants it so bad, hey, I'll just get my own weapon. Does this solve anything? Like the struggle for Power? Power of Suggestion works wonders in the minds of these able-bodied Super-Heroes, unlike none other and bringing to bare something new. Walt Simonson back at it again to make his body of work in simpleness yet imagination. A likely plotted and mineable story, we go back to the well at old Marvel. Marvel seemed newer at the time; it stands to reason that current Marvel will again seem older in time.
Complete with a back cover picture of the prescreen movie pass before released to theaters of the feeling you get when mentioning Warlock or Beta Ray Bill and "feeling worthy!" "Lost" in the movie, "The Matrix Resurrections!" These times are getting hard for reboots turned continuation, such as Thor films, turned finale and turned start of a new franchise. Churning out and hopefully not Burning out, these are the repertoires that are filling the endless theaters!
Graders Notes Unavailable.
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Thor (2014) 1 Second Printing |
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Thor 1 Modern |
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Jane Foster as Thor, in modern times we've got momentum to pick up where Journey into Mystery left off, in "early" days! She's Jane Foster and could be relationship fodder but is now the Mighty Thor. The movie of Thor: Love and Thunder was a good romp with some black and white scenes yet reminded me of the Deadpool PS3 video game. Lots of LSD induced frivolity that you can either "dig" or wasn't all cohesive for others. Indeed, Jane is dying of cancer, but she is a worthy mortal to hold the power of Thor. It takes all she can muster to survive, to die in battle means Valhalla; although, that may need a spoiler alert. Times are tough for the Asgardians, and they need the will to survive, ha-ha staying alive! Can the Thor who wields a hammer be as kick arse and taking names in the future? FOR ASGARD! TO BATTLE! In this case for the "life" of 'Thor' itself!
Complete with a back cover picture of the 1st print raw that I found for a couple of dollars, which is a blessing, from the generous used bookstore down the street. Been a hectic month, but I'm glad to have credit at that store proving to be faithful and true. Opened to display the end of book splash page, baring the responsibility! Dark World Scrunchies? It can get sweaty from outer realms; we need only catch the hope of the cause and actions to regale those exertions.
Graders Notes Unavailable.
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