CGC Registry

Warriors, Eternal, Forever

Set Type: Eternal Warrior
Last Modified: 6/7/2021
Views: 364

Rank: 40
Score: 20
Leading by: 8
Points to Higher Rank: 2

Set Description:

The blood runs high at Valiant, and the warriors are getting to showcase their talent, as the publisher moves forward attempting to bring an edge.... of a blade! This Valiant Enterprise needs the movie treatment, we have bloodshot already! Time to refine and bring out nostalgia. Times past we'd look to classics, but there are more than a few of those. Even the most Valiant of those appreciated can be found of equal value among the Good Eternal Warriors!
Rai, Bloodshot, almost got us a team or group, with Movies that were fun! We just need the studios to put a bit more faith. Or maybe get back to the roots? The 90's were a bit of exploratory time, but way different than any other decade!

Warriors are spoken of in an eternal and immortal way and kind. Especially when handed down from today around the dinner table or around a board game. Those stories in fact, because usually they are not boring, were born of virtue themselves but not always held by those in high regard. As with anything man made, there are some to honor and some to dishonor. If truly eternal the one's of faith, hope and love speak louder than the highest mountain and or lowest valley. Man as an "Honorable One" usually is somewhere in between on a cliff or hillside wondering and pondering, "What 'warriors' have been?" It is the honor and spirit that means the most and is behind every action lest we boast.

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