CGC Registry


Set Type: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) IDW - LEGACY
Last Modified: 9/3/2024
Views: 408

Rank: 9
Score: 337
Leading by: 70
Points to Higher Rank: 16

Set Description:

With over sized issues and a couple of 1st appearances, this IDW keeps rolling. Introducing new and uncharted territory to keep the series fresh. Still some issues are readily found at used bookstores and are made for reading, these ninjas will need 5 turtles, and series after series! New fresh characters and always keeping with traditional values, the eastern taught ninjas are radically cowabunging down the sewers on skateboards!
These Half Shells are powering through on pizza, with no anchovies, but making a ninja meal all together! Hey, who ordered the bad guy thrown out the window?!? Radical.

Playing with power is as old as the Nintendo Entertainment System tagline, of one specific Turtle game that no one would believe that I could beat. I did as there is one weapon of efficiency that kept my spirits high, but mostly the battle of the "health bar" was the real foot in the door. Some of those experiences live on towards legacy building, with those Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle personalities that can drive a collector of nostalgia past the breaking point, and then find it tipping over into an ongoing saga of T. U. R. T. L. E. Power theme like music, COWABUNGA! Arcade like atmosphere within the then smoky sewers, whether by pizza or the incense burning away the chaff of ooze like waste found therein. None could be bashful when it takes the chutzpah to speak of skateboarding those walls!

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