CGC Registry

Jason's Tribute Collection

Set Type: Marvel's Stan Lee Tribute Comics 1922-2018
Owner: Venomsgram
Last Modified: 3/7/2025
Views: 207

Rank: 1
Score: 3393
Leading by: 87
Points to Higher Rank: N/A

Set Description:

Stan Lee was always someone I looked up to but never had the opportunity to meet him before his passing. Something I will always regret.

As my own personal tribute to Stan The Man I decided to collect every tribute cover, as well as every cover that features Stan(but that's a different set)

I have been actively getting artist and writer signatures and, if they're so inclined, a brief message to Stan Lee as well.

As of now, there are 138 issues in this ever growing set. There are a total of 112 covers featuring the Stan Lee banner.

Over 60 issues have been found to have the interior tribute pages with Stans portrait and Stans Soapbox.

The running total number of issues I've discovered is: 171.

The gallery tab shows only items with images. Click the thumbnails to enlarge.

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