CGC Registry

Dino DNA!

Set Type: Devil Dinosaur #1-#9
Last Modified: 12/31/2022
Views: 283

Rank: 29
Score: 30
Leading by: 10
Points to Higher Rank: 12

Set Description:

This is how it begins in collecting, with the verbose and gratuitous things, and questions! No one asked, "What for?" Like I wonder "What would happen IF?", and "How did this get in my collection?" Give it a fair shake, such is a life of collecting, that anyone can bring about the goodness of decisions whether willingly, or even at the least unknowingly. Everyone gets their shot at doing right in the little things, that eventually leads to over-the-top triumphs; although, not of ourselves, we can do nothing in our own power. "Love and Life Will Find a Way!"~ to paraphrase! Dino's in the collection!
Dinosaurs make friends in this series, but in past times have been the villains. Will they have a reputation to consider? In short, can they be trusted? Indeed! This is the enjoyment of reading and keeping the stories fun-filled!

Don't fight a dinosaur, or you'll get "jurasskicked!" Something of the sort is barreling down the freeway and letting those imaginations fly. Needing a friend to save them in the end, with human bonds and helpers who wonder what side they're even on! Times come and seasons will come to fruition, but the fruit stays the same as its tree of origin. Whether it be a Devil Dinosaur with a bit of a monkey man and or its eventual modern iteration, when they befall a kid with aspirations, it all comes down to helping win over the hearts of the readers. Not very many variants within this Bronze Age, or none in this set, but tomorrow will take care of itself when found, even in the registry. Impulse purchases! Now that is what I'm talking about!

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