CGC Registry

Spider-Man 1st Appearances from the 2000's!

Set Type: Spider-Man 2000-2019 1st Appearances Any Variant
Owner: pmpknface
Last Modified: 5/8/2024
Views: 69

Rank: 1
Score: 145
Leading by: N/A
Points to Higher Rank: N/A

Set Description:

This set is good from the 2000 - 2019 era, which is a decent range.

Now that we're in the next century we're into a time where variants are rampant. Mainly with Amazing as the core title with some off-shoots and Ultimate Spider-Man has entered the picture.

I'm still in the 9.8 & WP range with my goals for this set, but likely only 1 variant for an entry, likely the one I think is the best image - assuming there's not only 3 in existence or something.

Still, this should be fun because of the options I get to fill this set. Enjoy!
comic_category_sm Set Type

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