CGC Registry

Playing with Power!

Set Type: Nintendo Power (1988) 1-15 Any Variant
Last Modified: 5/17/2024
Views: 257

Rank: 3
Score: 1057
Leading by: N/A
Points to Higher Rank: 4057

Set Description:

Pushing the boundaries with "decapitation covers" to the ever so family friendly "Duck Tales" A-Whoo-Hoo! Japan had it all coming down the pipeline to secure easy fast and friendly VIDEO GAMES for all alike. Be it America or over sea's, these intuitions and impulses had parents putting their best foot forward to complete the task of "parenting" while keeping the young ones motivated. Some parents even joined the fun, and we were glad for the bonding that happened to gain ingenuity experience points together! Thank the Lord.
From home systems tying up the TV to portable systems to allow same room gaming, while the parents enjoyed television! The 80's sprang to life, and we had to keep up chores and outside experiences as well to stay humble!

Playing with Power was a bold statement, but it was humbling all the same when it also came with equipment and accessories. Beforehand were mostly joysticks. I had the Power Pad as a running or exerciser young and fit. The glove was intriguing but had some glitches reported, and the gun that initially came with the NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) that worked much like a TV remote. Eventually there were robot controls and speed joysticks with turbo buttons and the latter had a switch to control its speed to just hold the button down, which I owned for Street Fighter. Long days, but homework and family were the main focus, before friends and etc. took over for priorities. In the back or the wrestling mind was always what game to buy or commit to, even when renting from Blockbuster because you only had 3 to 4 days and then needed to return it until the next time you could check out, which meant late nights of trying to beat that last boss as you couldn't save on a memory stick with the NES.

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