CGC Registry

Newsie Avengers!

Set Type: Young Avengers (2005) All Variants
Last Modified: 6/6/2024
Views: 125

Rank: 34
Score: 1
Leading by: N/A
Points to Higher Rank: 7

Set Description:

Again, upon the newsstands lights another kind of youth in the YOUNG AVENGERS. Sure, in strength as the early 2000's and in lighthearted frivolity comes a distribution to make its mark upon the media: figures, streaming, movies, cameos, and COMICS COMICS COMICS! These young upstarts with their go get them attitude have come along at the right time to continue the fight of avenging for the sake of justice and the American WAY!
Scouts Honor! There are still "do-good youth" within the ranks and aspiring to go on before to make their mark in the name and brand, that has been with us all these decades!

Bin dives prove fruitful once again, but not with a, "Oh, my GOD!" A grateful heart to said deity is still within the heart but takes it to new niches and groundswell of just what can still be found in the "wild!" By all means we live to serve, and yet a hobby is like finding those treasures that might otherwise be tossed aside, save the grace to bin dive another day! Another person's scraps may just prove to be a nice, collected edition when it comes by way of variants, even newsstands or price wise come to think of it! A hobby well rounded means that to indeed collect them all, we must have a scavenger of goals within us and prove those examples found, while accumulating and providing transparency of those finds from said bin dives!

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