CGC Registry

Erik's Tick

Set Type: The Tick Ben Edlund Original Set
Owner: Erik71
Last Modified: 1/23/2025
Views: 83

Rank: 4
Score: 2361
Leading by: 759
Points to Higher Rank: 545

Set Description:

Just like The Tick, I’m back! But I never really left.

In 2010, I begin collecting the original Ben Edlund Tick comics of 1988 that run from issue #1 to #12. I help built the “The Tick Ben Edlund original set” by adding the four Tick #12 variant and others comics that tie to the Ben Edlund run.

I got the award for the best Tick registry set 5 years in a row, from 2010 to 2014. But I sold my Tick collections, and I lost all my badges. :(

I’m happy to see that The Tick community is stronger than ever! With such Tick expert like vsndesigns, PeasOfCrap, Brian Bollinger and others. And not to mention the amazing set these guys has, wow! I am impressed… and jealous :)

Hope you will like my set and don’t be shy and sent me a message, I am always happy to talk with fellows’ collectors.

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