CGC Registry

Crossover of the Century

Set Type: Punisher Meets Archie
Owner: TheLiamSturgess1
Last Modified: 7/26/2011
Views: 861

Rank: 2
Score: 60
Leading by: 20
Points to Higher Rank: 20

Set Description:

Flashback a few years ago - I had just been getting into comic books collecting Archie Digests. At this point, Archie was my only focus. Anything Marvel, DC, Dark Horse or any other company was simply drek to me. However, as I was adding my comics into for the first time, I discovered more and more titles published by Archie. Two of which being "Archie Meets the Punisher" and it's partner in crime, "Punisher Meets Archie". I was intrigued by these, as they were Archie and Marvel's only crossover, EVER. I had to have these.

So, I searched. As a kid who had yet to turn 13, this was harder than it may seem. I didn't have access to eBay at the time, and the only comic store in my area (that I knew about at the time) couldn't help me. But I didn't give up the search.

The summer after that, I was in Saskatoon, SK visiting family. My uncle who had once been a comic collector himself had been taking me to a local book/record/comic store for the past few years, and this year was no different. Except this time, I took the risk and asked at the counter if they had a copy of one of these two issues. And lo and behold, he pulls out a copy of the Punisher meets Archie #1. I bought it for $10 if I recall correctly, but my grading skills weren't the best at the time so I can't be sure of the condition at the time.

Funnily enough, the next trip I made to Saskatoon bore similar fruit. I asked the store owner (the store was called Tramp's Books) if he had a copy of Archie Meets the Punisher #1, and guess what? He did! He pulled it out for me and priced it for me at the same price as the other one.

Well, now I had both. My mission was complete. I found another copy of Punisher Meets Archie #1 on eBay for $3, and it was a solid 9.8. I got both of my first copies signed by Thomas Jane (the actor who played the Punisher in the movies) at the 2010 ECCC. I then proceeded to purchase three copies of Archie Meets the Punisher #1 off eBay, all graded NM. When I got them, they seemed to be slightly below NM, maybe NM- 9.2. In addition, a CGC board member sent me a free copy of PMA #1 that I graded around 9.2. I submitted a copy of AMP #1, and the copy of PMA sent to me. They were both signed by Batton Lash, and these are the ones in my set now.

Thus, my set is finally complete. I hope to upgrade to a 9.8 on the PMA #1 eventually.
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