CGC Registry

Gyro`s She-devil with a sword Set

Set Type: Red Sonja/Marvel Feature (1977) All Variants
Owner: gyro-1
Last Modified: 9/21/2016
Views: 1784

Rank: 2
Score: 1459
Leading by: 41
Points to Higher Rank: 72

Set Description:

My Red Sonja :)

Red sonja 1-15
Marvel Feature 1-7
Price variants 30cent and 35cent
Pence Are in this set as second picture

-- Excerpt from The Hyborian Age - Conan 78

Red Sonja (as in Red Sonya of Rogatin ) appears in a historical adventure written by Robert E howard
knows as * The shadow of the Vulture * which takes place in 1563 . At about the time he was casting
about to find a counterpart for Conan whose future was not known (as apposed to Belit ) writer editor
Roy heard of and read that story. Thus instead of making up a character as he intended to do . Taking
equal parts of authentic hyborian-age heroin's Belit and Valeria (of the later Red Nails) Roy decided to
yank Red Sonya out of the sixteenth century change her name to Red Sonja and make her a she-devil
with a sword in the age of Conan

-- From comic vine

Red Sonja first made her comics debut in 1973,
as a supporting character for Conan the Barbarian in his monthly series.
In her earliest featured story The Song of Red Sonja, drawn by Barry Windsor-Smith
By 1975, Red Sonja had become so popular that she was given a solo debut in the Marvel Feature title.
After headlining Marvel Feature for seven issues she was given her own title, which ran for another fifteen issues.
Artist Frank Thorne would become indelibly associated with the character during this run

-- Order of Publishing 1973-1979

Conan 23 (2/1973)
Story = The Shadow of the Vulture
( Also printed with National Diamond insert )
( Also published in UK pence Issue )

Conan 24 (3/1973)
Story = The Song of Red Sonja
( Also printed with National Diamond insert )
( Also published in UK pence Issue )

Conan 33 (12/1973 )
Red Sonja cameo page 15 no dialog
( Also published in UK pence Issue )

Savage Sword of Conan 1 (8/1974)

Conan 43 (10/1974)
Story = Tower Of Blood
( Also published in UK pence Issue )

Conan 44 (11/1974)
Story = Of Flame And The fiend !(continued from Conan 43)
( Also published in UK pence Issue )

Conan 48 (3/1975)
( Also published in UK pence Issue )

Savage Sword of Conan 5 (4/1975)

Kull and the Barbarians 2 (7/1975)
story = She-Devil With a Sword reprint

Kull and the Barbarians 3 (9/1975)
Story = The Day of the Sword (red Sonja origin)

Marvel Feature 1 (11/1975)
Story = Curse of the Undead-Man (reprint from Savage Sword of Conan 1 )

Marvel Feature 2 (1/1976)
Story = Blood of the Hunter
( Also published in UK pence Issue )

Conan 60 (3/1976)
( Also published in UK pence Issue )

Marvel Feature 3 (3/1976)
Story = Baler The Behemoth Lives
( Also published in UK pence Issue )

Conan 61 (4/1976)Red Sonja cameo page 10 no dialog
( Also published in 30 cent price variant )
( Also printed with Mark Jeweler insert )
( Also published in UK pence Issue )

Marvel Feature 4 (5/1976)
Story = Eyes of the Gorgon
( Available in 30 cent price variant )
( Also published in UK pence Issue )

Marvel Feature 5 (7/1976)
Story = The Bear God Walks
( Also published in UK pence Issue )
( Also published in 30 cent price variant )

Conan 66 (9/1976)
Story = Daggers and Death Gods
( Also published in UK pence Issue )

Marvel Feature 6 (9/1976)
Story = Beware the Sacred Sons of Set (continued from Conan 66)
( Also published in UK pence Issue )

Conan 67 (10/1976)
Story = Talons of the Man-Tiger (continued from Marvel feature 6)
( Also published in UK pence Issue )

Savage Sword of Conan 15 (10/1976)

Conan 68 (11/1076)Story = Of Once and Future Kings (?)
( Also published in UK pence Issue )

Marvel Feature 7 (11/1976)
Story = The Battle of the Barbarians (continued from Conan 67)
( Also published in UK pence Issue )

Savage Sword of Conan 16 (12/1976)

Marvel Treasury Edition 15 (1977)
Story = The Song of Red Sonja (reprint from Conan 24 )

Red Sonja 1 (1/1977)
Story = The Blood of the Unicorn
( Also published in UK pence Issue )

Red Sonja 2 (3/1977)
Story = The Demon of the Maze

Red Sonja 3 (5/1977)Story = The Games of Gita
( Also printed with Mark Jeweler insert )

Savage Sword of Conan 19 (6/1977)

Red Sonja 4 (7/1977)Story = The Lake of the Unknown
( Also printed with Mark Jeweler insert )
( Also published in 35 cent price variant )

Red Sonja 5 (9/1977)
Story = Master of the Bells
( Also printed with Mark Jeweler insert )
( Also published in 35 cent price variant )

Conan 78 (9/1977)
Story = Curse of the Undead-Man
( Also published in 35 cent Issue )
(Whitman version)

Savage Sword of Conan 22 (9/1977)

Savage Sword of Conan 23 (10/1977)

Red Sonja 6 (11/1977)
Story = The Singing Tower

Marvel Treasury Edition 19(1978)
Story = 1 page write up on Red Sonja

Red Sonja 7 (1/1978)
Story = Throne of Blood
( Also printed with Mark Jeweler insert )
( Also published in UK pence Issue )

Red Sonja 8 (3/1978)
Story = Vengeance of the Golden Circle
( Also published in UK pence Issue )

Red Sonja 9 (5/1978)
Story = Chariot of the Fire-Stallions
( Also printed with Mark Jeweler insert )
( Also published in UK pence Issue )

Savage Sword of Conan 29 (5/1978)

Red Sonja 10 (7/1978)
Story = Red Lace
( Also printed with Mark Jeweler insert )
( Also published in UK pence Issue )

Red Sonja 11 (9/1978)
Story = Sightless in a Strange Land
( Also printed with Mark Jeweler insert )
( Also published in UK pence Issue )

Red Sonja 9 reprint (11/1978)
Sold in the Texas area I believe

Red Sonja 12 (11/1978)
Story = Ashes and Emblems
( Also printed with Mark Jeweler insert )
( Also published in UK pence Issue )

Red Sonja 13 (1/1979)
Story = Shall Skranos Fall
( Also printed with Mark Jeweler insert )
( Also published in UK pence Issue )

Red Sonja 14 (3/1979)
Story = An Evening on the Border
( Also printed with Mark Jeweler insert )
( Also published in UK pence Issue )

Savage Sword of Conan 39 (4/1979)

Red Sonja 15 (5/1979)
Story = The Tomb of Three Dead Kings
( Also printed with Mark Jeweler insert )
( Also published in UK pence Issue )

Savage Sword of Conan 44 (9/1979)

Savage Sword of Conan 45 (10/1979)

(Out of context appearance)
January 1976 Howard the Duck #1
March 1979 Red Sonja teamed up with Spiderman in Marvel Team-Up #79
( Also printed with Mark Jeweler insert )
( Also published in UK pence Issue )

Collecting Red Sonja can be a lot of fun
Marvel reprinted everything in many books to maximize the profits
The list above covers the basic marvel Red Sonja
There were reprinted versions in UK and Spain that I know of
For the classic red Sonja you cant beat the early marvels fot the sexy Red Sonja the modern Dynamite Entertainment
version is really well drawn
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