CGC Registry

Spidey Annuals

Set Type: Amazing Spider-Man Annuals & Giant-Sized
Owner: Lookin4Newsstands
Last Modified: 11/28/2024
Views: 935

Rank: 9
Score: 9120
Leading by: 2646
Points to Higher Rank: 314

Set Description:

Set includes:

Annual #1 (1st Sinister Six, Steve Ditko cover and art),
Annual #13 (John Byrne and Terry Austin art)
Annual #14 (Frank Miller cover and art),
Annual #15 (Frank Miller cover and art)
Annual #16 (Origin and 1st appearance of the new Captain Marvel (Monica Rambeau),
Annual #21 (Peter Parker weds Mary Jane Watson, John Romita heroes and villains cover),
Annuals #26-28
and more.

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