CGC Registry

Harleen Quinzel (2014)

Set Type: Harley Quinn (2014) All Variants
Owner: Batman
Last Modified: 6/3/2015
Views: 735

Rank: 10
Score: 619
Leading by: 204
Points to Higher Rank: 73

Set Description:

Harley Quinn Vol 2 (2014 Series) - Near Mint Collection

(First registered set in set type)

Set Updates:
26/10/2014 - Aww. No.1 for a day, now my Harley's nothin' more than Mr J's sidekick... ;)

09/11/2014 - "Puddin" has teamed up with Arthur Brown and knocked me down to third place :( Whaddya mean I ain't got a clue...?

07/12/2014 - First registered Director's Cut 2nd Printing. That's my claim to fame... It's not like I'm gonna make the top slot is it!?!

08/12/2014 - Now 4th, sigh. Hey, at least this set is 100% P/D... ;)

05/02/2015 - Down to 5th. My word, HQ seems to be very popular, doesn't she? ... Who knew!?!

08/03/2015 - Rats... a 9.6 on a subbed Con exclusive :(

03/06/2015 - A 9.6 Con exclusive won on eBay for a very reasonable price!

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