CGC Registry

Harveyfanatic's Harvey Giveaways(1945)

Set Type: Harvey Comics Giveaways
Owner: Harveyfanatic
Last Modified: 7/5/2024
Views: 640

Rank: 1
Score: 8330
Leading by: 3768
Points to Higher Rank: N/A

Set Description:

High Grade Harvey CGC

Harvey comic books in this set = 118

9.8 = 31
#1 All New Comics Special(W)56pts(10/1993)
#1 Astro Comics(OW/W)400pts(nn/1968)
#1 Astro Comics(OW/W)320pts(nn/1970)
#1 Astro Comics(OW/W)176pts(nn/1975)
#1 Astro Comics(OW/W)160pts(nn/1978)
#1 Astro Comics(W)160pts(nn/1979)
#1 Back to the Future Special(W)48pts(nn/1991)
#1 A Better Life for You!(OW)192pts(nn/1960)
#1 Casper(UNICEF Promotional)(OW/W)50pts(nn/1973)
#1 Casper Rides the School Bus(OW/W)120pts(nn/1960)
#1 Casper Presents Space-Age Dentistry(OW/W)112pts(nn/1972)
#1 Casper Presents Space- Age Dentistry(W)112pts(nn/1981)
#1 Casper Presents Little Red Riding Hood(W)32pts(nn/1992)
#1 Casper's Dental Health Activity Book(W)112pts(nn/1977)
#1 Casper and the Friendly Dentist(OW/W)120pts(nn/1967)
#1 Gordon Bread Presents Flash Gordon Comics(OW)120pts(nn/1951)
#1 Joe Palooka Fights His Way Back(OW/W)1400pts(nn/1945)
#1 Military Courtesy(OW/W)224pts(nn/1950)
#1 RRC and W(Newsstand Edition)(W)210pts(06/1976)
#1 RRC and W(Astros Variant)(W)210pts(06/1976)
#1 RRC and W(Dodgers Variant)(W)210pts(06/1976)
#1 RRC and W(Phillies Variant)(OW/W)210pts(06/1976)
#1 RRC and W(Pirates Variant)(W)210pts(06/1976)
#1 RRC and W(Giants Variant)(OW/W)210pts(06/1976)
#6 Sad Sack Complimentary Copy(OW/W)224pts(nn/nn)
#7 Sad Sack Complimentary Copy(OW/W)224pts(nn/nn)
#17 Sad Sack Complimentary Copy(OW/W)224pts(nn/nn)
#19 Sad Sack Complimentary Copy(OW/W)192pts(nn/nn)
#21 Sad Sack Compllimentary Copy(OW/W)224pts(nn/nn)
#22 Sad Sack Complimentary Copy(OW/W)224pts(nn/nn)
#25 Sad Sack Complimentary Copy(OW/W)224pts(nn/nn)
#30 Sad Sack Complimentary Copy(W)
#34 Sad Sack Complimentary Copy(OW/W)192pts(nn/nn)
#38 Sad Sack Complimentary Copy(W)224pts(nn/nn)
#1 Sad Sack Goes Home(OW)600pts(05/1951)
#1 Steve Canyons Secret Mission(OW/W)600pts(nn/1951)
#1 Harvey Classics Tom and Jerry(CD)(OW/W) 24pts(nn/1993)
#1 Wendy Comic Coloring Book(W)80pts(nn/1979)

87 books needed to complete this set

This set is 42% complete
My total points in this set = 8,476
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