CGC Registry

Bronze Age Marvel Spotlight

Set Type: Marvel Spotlight (1971)
Owner: Gopher753
Last Modified: 4/25/2023
Views: 533

Rank: 68
Score: 2656
Leading by: 77
Points to Higher Rank: 11
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0148863005 Slot Score Increased* 203 26564/25/2023 11:12:01 AM
0152111003 Slot Score Increased* 1583 245311/2/2021 9:53:36 AM
0150003001 Slot Score Increased* 206 87010/18/2021 12:17:58 PM
0150003001 Slot Score Increased* 84 6642/4/2020 11:30:40 AM
0152111003 Slot Score Increased* 375 5803/14/2018 4:56:24 PM
0152111003 Added 125 2057/5/2013 11:15:12 AM
0152111003 Slot Score Reduced* -55 807/5/2013 11:12:39 AM
Initial Score 135 1356/16/2008 9:30:36 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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