CGC Registry

Jerry Weist's Picks

Set Type: 100 Greatest Comic Books - Jerry Weist
Owner: Gopher753
Last Modified: 4/25/2023
Views: 476

Rank: 27
Score: 7145
Leading by: 1087
Points to Higher Rank: 3516
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0633332001 Slot Score Increased* 1117 71454/25/2023 4:45:44 PM
0141027001 Slot Score Increased* 16 602810/6/2021 11:50:41 AM
0633332001 Slot Score Increased* 1809 60125/11/2021 4:35:28 PM
0633332001 Slot Score Increased* 670 42034/5/2021 4:48:04 PM
0633332001 Slot Score Increased* 131 35331/14/2020 12:41:32 PM
0053934011 Slot Score Increased* 105 34021/10/2020 3:00:30 PM
0147922012 Added 350 32971/9/2019 7:14:51 AM
0131289012 Removed -105 29471/9/2019 7:14:51 AM
0042309064 Added 740 30521/9/2019 7:14:51 AM
0150003003 Added 300 23121/9/2019 7:14:50 AM
0150003002 Removed -300 20121/9/2019 7:14:50 AM
0150003002 Added 300 23127/24/2018 6:31:02 PM
0150003003 Removed -300 20127/24/2018 6:31:02 PM
0053934011 Added 488 23127/24/2018 6:23:49 PM
1235640007 Removed -1787 18247/24/2018 6:23:49 PM
0131289012 Added 105 36117/24/2018 6:23:48 PM
0147922012 Removed -350 35067/24/2018 6:23:48 PM
0633332001 Added 740 38566/25/2018 9:32:02 AM
0708942004 Slot Score Increased* 300 31165/4/2018 12:41:15 PM
0708942004 Slot Score Increased* 50 28165/4/2018 12:40:46 PM
0150003003 Slot Score Increased* 105 27662/12/2018 12:15:25 PM
1235640007 Slot Score Reduced* -1 26613/9/2017 6:05:49 PM
0147922012 Added 350 26624/13/2016 7:58:51 AM
1235640007 Added 1788 23124/13/2016 7:58:51 AM
0914230001 Added 200 5244/13/2016 7:58:51 AM
0141027001 Added 29 3244/13/2016 7:58:51 AM
0708942004 Added 100 2954/13/2016 7:58:51 AM
0150003003 Added 195 1954/13/2016 7:58:51 AM
Initial Score 0 04/13/2016 7:58:36 AM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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