CGC Registry

Gopher's Neal Adam Superman Covers

Set Type: Neal Adams - Superman and Superman Family Covers
Owner: Gopher753
Last Modified: 12/5/2022
Views: 411

Rank: 5
Score: 1295
Leading by: 871
Points to Higher Rank: 1864
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0215372026 Removed -800 129512/5/2022 5:33:52 AM
1074729002 Removed -500 20959/19/2022 5:31:44 AM
0253930010 Slot Score Increased* 375 25951/10/2020 4:00:43 PM
0215372026 Slot Score Increased* 160 222010/31/2019 4:00:58 PM
0993426014 Slot Score Increased* 45 206010/31/2019 4:00:58 PM
1100549026 Slot Score Increased* 75 201510/31/2019 4:00:58 PM
1074729002 Slot Score Increased* 125 194010/31/2019 4:00:58 PM
1399162011 Slot Score Increased* 40 181510/31/2019 4:00:58 PM
0253930010 Added 250 17757/16/2017 2:17:52 PM
1399162011 Added 30 15257/15/2017 7:42:44 AM
1074729002 Added 375 14957/15/2017 7:42:44 AM
1100549026 Added 225 11207/15/2017 7:42:44 AM
0993426014 Added 255 8957/15/2017 7:42:44 AM
0215372026 Added 640 6407/15/2017 7:42:44 AM
Initial Score 0 07/15/2017 7:42:35 AM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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