CGC Registry

Strange Phantom Comics

Set Type: Doctor Strange (1968)
Owner: Mycho
Last Modified: 3/29/2024
Views: 441

Rank: 20
Score: 3666
Leading by: 570
Points to Higher Rank: 301
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
1027599010 Added 300 36663/29/2024 1:58:45 PM
1027599008 Added 533 33661/8/2024 7:10:46 PM
0966412007 Added 533 283312/12/2023 1:41:31 AM
1027599009 Added 300 230011/8/2023 6:57:37 PM
0042873008 Added 467 200011/8/2023 6:55:33 PM
0607516017 Slot Score Increased* 167 15334/25/2023 4:30:53 PM
0956805009 Slot Score Increased* 208 13664/25/2023 3:26:00 PM
0966412002 Slot Score Increased* 208 11584/25/2023 3:25:35 PM
0607516017 Added 300 9508/20/2018 12:07:05 AM
0966412002 Added 325 6503/23/2018 12:08:00 AM
0956805009 Added 325 3258/3/2017 12:53:13 AM
Initial Score 0 08/3/2017 12:53:07 AM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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