CGC Registry


Set Type: Avengers #1-#250
Owner: ProcessedMeatMan
Last Modified: 4/25/2023
Views: 326

Rank: 56
Score: 7502
Leading by: 237
Points to Higher Rank: 281
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
1243467001 Slot Score Increased* 490 75024/25/2023 2:47:27 PM
0268057003 Slot Score Increased* 100 70122/15/2022 11:36:04 AM
3703161001 Slot Score Increased* 1330 69129/28/2021 12:44:48 PM
1243467001 Slot Score Increased* 140 55826/14/2021 1:19:31 PM
1243467001 Slot Score Increased* 168 54426/1/2021 4:15:07 PM
1243466001 Slot Score Increased* 782 52745/11/2021 3:24:44 PM
3703161001 Added 1750 44924/23/2021 3:02:09 AM
0212209002 Slot Score Increased* 60 27421/14/2020 12:12:29 PM
1243466001 Added 825 26822/1/2018 8:18:47 PM
1223347015 Added 84 18572/1/2018 8:18:45 PM
1344446006 Added 525 17732/1/2018 3:04:17 PM
1226037009 Added 126 12482/1/2018 3:04:16 PM
0268057003 Added 100 11222/1/2018 3:03:39 PM
0212209002 Added 140 10222/1/2018 3:03:38 PM
1243467001 Added 882 8822/1/2018 3:03:36 PM
Initial Score 0 02/1/2018 3:02:28 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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