CGC Registry

now i'm really out of webbing

Set Type: Amazing Spider-Man (Complete with Variants) LEGACY
Owner: Lev
Last Modified: 9/12/2024
Views: 368

Rank: 65
Score: 27467
Leading by: 48
Points to Higher Rank: 153
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0006262009 Removed -2000 274679/12/2024 5:30:32 AM
1076018003 Slot Score Reduced* -200 294672/20/2024 5:51:38 PM
1012590005 Removed -440 296673/12/2022 11:47:15 AM
0289265001 Removed -320 301073/12/2022 11:47:14 AM
0794660004 Removed -1000 304273/12/2022 11:47:14 AM
2013063012 Removed -88 314273/12/2022 11:47:14 AM
0944599001 Removed -112 315153/12/2022 11:47:13 AM
1244255012 Removed -96 316273/12/2022 11:40:31 AM
0235850004 Removed -440 317233/12/2022 11:39:39 AM
0976526018 Removed -640 321633/12/2022 11:39:38 AM
1014285006 Removed -200 328033/12/2022 11:35:20 AM
1999527001 Removed -1040 330033/12/2022 11:34:47 AM
1300635001 Slot Score Increased* 10667 340439/28/2021 11:50:27 AM
0235850004 Added 440 233766/26/2021 2:42:06 AM
0006262009 Slot Score Increased* 1280 229365/15/2021 12:42:33 PM
1300635001 Slot Score Increased* 6900 216565/15/2021 12:38:28 PM
1012590005 Slot Score Increased* 216 147565/12/2021 1:09:29 PM
0976526018 Slot Score Increased* 496 145405/12/2021 1:07:09 PM
0794660004 Slot Score Increased* 320 140445/12/2021 1:02:58 PM
0006262009 Slot Score Increased* 360 1372410/9/2020 12:48:13 PM
1161394007 Slot Score Increased* 200 1336410/9/2020 12:46:38 PM
1300635001 Slot Score Increased* 2700 131641/14/2020 12:07:13 PM
2013063012 Added 88 104642/11/2019 6:14:52 PM
1244255012 Added 96 103761/20/2019 2:25:09 AM
1999527001 Added 1040 102801/20/2019 2:25:08 AM
1076018003 Added 1800 92401/20/2019 2:25:07 AM
0976526018 Added 144 74401/20/2019 2:25:06 AM
1012590005 Added 224 72961/20/2019 2:25:06 AM
0289265001 Added 320 70721/20/2019 2:25:05 AM
0794660004 Added 680 67521/20/2019 2:25:05 AM
0006262009 Added 360 60721/20/2019 2:25:04 AM
0944599001 Added 112 57121/20/2019 2:25:03 AM
1161394007 Added 600 56001/20/2019 2:25:02 AM
1014285006 Added 200 50001/20/2019 2:25:02 AM
1300635001 Added 4800 48001/20/2019 2:25:00 AM
Initial Score 0 01/20/2019 2:24:46 AM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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