CGC Registry

The Crow

Set Type: Crow #1-#4 (Caliber)
Owner: underw0rld
Last Modified: 2/26/2022
Views: 383

Rank: 4
Score: 3323
Leading by: 49
Points to Higher Rank: 240
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
1201874020 Slot Score Increased* 560 332310/13/2020 5:01:47 PM
1201874020 Slot Score Increased* 560 276310/13/2020 5:00:57 PM
2113012007 Added 347 22036/1/2020 5:48:47 PM
1465137017 Removed -217 18566/1/2020 5:48:46 PM
1497425004 Slot Score Increased* 16 20732/24/2020 5:02:02 PM
1465137017 Slot Score Increased* 67 20572/24/2020 5:00:49 PM
1295178008 Slot Score Increased* 80 19902/24/2020 5:00:16 PM
1201874020 Slot Score Increased* 800 19102/24/2020 4:58:03 PM
1201874020 Added 480 11109/7/2019 3:14:43 PM
1465137017 Added 150 6309/7/2019 3:12:09 PM
1497425004 Added 240 4809/7/2019 3:10:16 PM
1497425004 Removed -240 2409/7/2019 3:10:16 PM
1497425004 Added 240 4809/7/2019 3:10:15 PM
1295178008 Added 240 2409/7/2019 3:09:22 PM
Initial Score 0 09/7/2019 3:08:27 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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