CGC Registry

Avengers (Giant-Size)

Set Type: Avengers (Giant-Size) 1974
Owner: Taxmick1
Last Modified: 5/17/2020
Views: 370

Rank: 3
Score: 509
Leading by: 9
Points to Higher Rank: 76
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
2094096001 Added 75 5095/17/2020 10:57:48 AM
2016657009 Removed -20 4345/17/2020 10:57:48 AM
1476442008 Added 75 4542/11/2020 1:13:54 PM
2016657009 Added 20 37911/26/2019 5:16:03 AM
2016499001 Added 55 35911/26/2019 5:16:02 AM
2007298001 Added 144 30411/26/2019 5:16:02 AM
1239995009 Added 160 16011/26/2019 5:16:01 AM
Initial Score 0 011/26/2019 5:15:39 AM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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