CGC Registry

Jon Henry who?

Set Type: Thor (Complete) LEGACY
Owner: Mr. Fixit
Last Modified: 3/10/2024
Views: 699

Rank: 80
Score: 2033
Leading by: 3
Points to Higher Rank: 45
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0002700008 Added 700 20333/10/2024 11:12:06 PM
2023673002 Removed -10 13333/10/2024 11:12:06 PM
2023673002 Added 10 13433/10/2024 11:11:34 PM
0002700008 Removed -700 13333/10/2024 11:11:33 PM
0780558016 Slot Score Increased* 500 20334/26/2023 3:05:12 PM
0002700008 Slot Score Increased* 250 15334/26/2023 3:02:32 PM
0780558016 Slot Score Increased* 453 12832/15/2022 4:40:20 PM
0780558016 Slot Score Reduced* -495 8306/5/2019 3:00:33 PM
0780558016 Slot Score Increased* 495 13252/18/2019 12:10:52 PM
Initial Score 830 8304/6/2008 3:15:29 AM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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