CGC Registry - Marvel Annuals

Set Type: Marvel Annuals (1962-1982)
Owner: TheDubaiCollection
Last Modified: 1/9/2024
Views: 227

Rank: 17
Score: 3466
Leading by: 586
Points to Higher Rank: 535
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
1473015001 Removed -12000 34661/9/2024 11:58:05 AM
0170606002 Slot Score Increased* 553 154664/25/2023 2:57:26 PM
1971908015 Slot Score Increased* 413 1491311/1/2021 11:56:48 AM
1971908015 Added 920 1450012/12/2020 4:38:39 PM
1205383009 Added 480 135809/5/2020 4:00:17 AM
1473015001 Added 12000 131006/2/2020 7:21:28 AM
0170606002 Added 1100 11006/2/2020 7:19:56 AM
Initial Score 0 06/2/2020 7:18:52 AM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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