CGC Registry - CGC 9.8/9.9 WP key issues

Set Type: Amazing Spider-Man (Complete) LEGACY
Owner: TheDubaiCollection
Last Modified: 10/23/2024
Views: 367

Rank: 31
Score: 118495
Leading by: 492
Points to Higher Rank: 863
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
4155846001 Removed -176 11849510/23/2024 4:27:26 PM
1198958002 Removed -2500 11867110/23/2024 4:25:07 PM
1236014001 Removed -880 1211712/2/2024 2:37:38 AM
2083151012 Removed -4933 1220512/2/2024 2:37:37 AM
4155846001 Added 176 1269849/4/2023 1:58:00 PM
4215996001 Added 117857 1268084/30/2023 4:32:39 AM
1436827002 Removed -78572 89514/30/2023 4:32:38 AM
2083151012 Slot Score Increased* 2333 875234/6/2023 2:31:11 PM
0960545002 Removed -1980 8519012/2/2022 3:04:14 PM
1436827002 Added 78572 871709/7/2021 3:58:12 PM
1198958002 Slot Score Increased* 1600 85985/15/2021 12:42:33 PM
0940939001 Slot Score Increased* 270 69985/12/2021 1:09:29 PM
2083151012 Added 2600 67281/17/2021 7:39:06 AM
1198958002 Slot Score Increased* 450 412810/9/2020 12:48:13 PM
1236014001 Slot Score Increased* 220 367810/9/2020 12:46:37 PM
1284266001 Added 88 34586/7/2020 8:35:00 AM
0960545002 Added 1980 33706/7/2020 8:33:23 AM
0940939001 Added 280 13906/7/2020 8:32:34 AM
1198958002 Added 450 11106/7/2020 8:32:33 AM
1236014001 Added 660 6606/7/2020 8:31:02 AM
Initial Score 0 06/7/2020 8:26:38 AM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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