CGC Registry

Fantastic Four (v1-v3, Annual, GS)

Set Type: Fantastic Four (Complete) LEGACY
Owner: rollafattie
Last Modified: 4/25/2023
Views: 592

Rank: 286
Score: 1280
Leading by: 12
Points to Higher Rank: 24
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0118453014 Slot Score Increased* 36 12804/25/2023 4:37:44 PM
1315850001 Slot Score Increased* 193 12449/28/2021 11:54:12 AM
1315850001 Slot Score Increased* 52 10515/15/2021 2:17:55 PM
1315850001 Slot Score Increased* 25 9991/14/2020 12:24:09 PM
1315850001 Slot Score Increased* 31 9742/12/2018 1:39:07 PM
0118453014 Slot Score Reduced* -1 9433/9/2017 6:12:44 PM
1315850001 Added 49 9449/20/2015 8:16:01 PM
0046291009 Removed -30 8251/28/2014 11:14:26 AM
0046291003 Removed -30 8551/28/2014 11:14:25 AM
0635168001 Removed -10 8851/28/2014 11:14:23 AM
Initial Score 895 8951/19/2011 11:17:08 AM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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