CGC Registry

Complete Aman run

Set Type: Amazing-Man Comics (1939)
Owner: NewForceComics
Last Modified: 4/12/2019
Views: 1095

Rank: 2
Score: 5933
Leading by: 5643
Points to Higher Rank: 1154
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
1106918001 Removed -80 59334/12/2019 8:56:23 AM
0987423001 Added 105 60137/20/2015 2:40:45 PM
1075982002 Added 242 59087/17/2015 7:47:27 PM
1168866001 Added 1275 56667/17/2015 7:46:28 PM
0779747005 Removed -86 43917/17/2015 7:46:27 PM
1106918001 Added 80 44777/17/2015 7:46:01 PM
0808638003 Added 180 43977/17/2015 7:45:33 PM
0792871002 Added 1620 42177/17/2015 7:45:10 PM
Initial Score 2597 25975/18/2010 10:14:22 AM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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