CGC Registry

Witch one shall I get next

Set Type: Witches Tales (1951) Harvey
Owner: jhutton2
Last Modified: 2/18/2020
Views: 749

Rank: 7
Score: 2064
Leading by: 719
Points to Higher Rank: 680
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0009634009 Removed -480 20642/18/2020 5:31:24 AM
0009634005 Slot Score Increased* 69 25442/11/2015 9:01:47 AM
0745223007 Slot Score Increased* 111 24752/11/2015 9:01:47 AM
0104609003 Slot Score Increased* 68 23642/11/2015 9:01:47 AM
0009634009 Slot Score Increased* 160 22962/11/2015 9:01:47 AM
0035224002 Slot Score Increased* 111 21362/11/2015 9:01:47 AM
0930558001 Slot Score Increased* 330 20252/11/2015 9:01:47 AM
Initial Score 1695 16959/30/2008 8:48:22 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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