CGC Registry

Scott’s Schomburgs.

Set Type: Alex Schomburg Cover Set
Owner: scottde
Last Modified: 4/25/2023
Views: 195

Rank: 8
Score: 2077
Leading by: 543
Points to Higher Rank: 2963
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0196457002 Slot Score Increased* 600 20774/25/2023 11:09:33 AM
0329208001 Removed -142 14774/6/2022 5:02:16 PM
0196457002 Added 1400 16193/29/2022 9:09:33 PM
3967883001 Removed -1499 2193/24/2022 9:49:16 AM
2002738001 Removed -2100 17183/24/2022 9:49:16 AM
3967883001 Added 1499 38183/14/2022 9:34:25 PM
0329208001 Added 142 23193/14/2022 9:33:16 PM
1238569009 Added 77 21773/14/2022 9:33:16 PM
2002738001 Added 2100 21003/14/2022 9:33:15 PM
Initial Score 0 03/14/2022 9:32:46 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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