CGC Registry


Set Type: X-Men (1963) 1-143
Owner: NIckHatzi7
Last Modified: 12/3/2024
Views: 127

Rank: 71
Score: 8279
Leading by: 159
Points to Higher Rank: 582
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
2138289002 Added 480 827912/3/2024 8:36:48 AM
4461865002 Added 480 779911/21/2024 6:52:40 AM
0262910014 Removed -275 73196/20/2024 9:52:19 AM
0916689012 Removed -595 75946/20/2024 9:52:18 AM
1360574007 Removed -336 81896/20/2024 9:52:17 AM
1210572002 Removed -345 85256/20/2024 9:52:15 AM
4328413017 Added 119 88701/12/2024 6:32:31 AM
0180110003 Removed -1000 87515/29/2023 9:40:23 AM
0279275001 Slot Score Increased* 2700 97514/18/2023 3:32:58 PM
0262910014 Added 275 70511/26/2023 4:09:08 AM
0916689012 Added 595 67761/26/2023 4:05:49 AM
0180110003 Added 1000 61811/26/2023 3:57:14 AM
1360574007 Added 336 51811/26/2023 3:54:13 AM
1210572002 Added 345 48451/26/2023 3:50:51 AM
0279275001 Added 4500 45001/25/2023 8:48:09 AM
Initial Score 0 01/25/2023 8:47:17 AM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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