CGC Registry

Aracona's X-Men (all)

Set Type: X-Men (1963) 1-201 Any Variant
Owner: Aracona
Last Modified: 4/18/2023
Views: 755

Rank: 59
Score: 13723
Leading by: 26
Points to Higher Rank: 64
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0957007001 Slot Score Increased* 3600 137234/18/2023 3:32:59 PM
0905025007 Slot Score Increased* 1875 101233/15/2022 11:46:05 AM
0957007001 Slot Score Increased* 2320 824810/11/2021 3:07:52 PM
0957007001 Slot Score Increased* 1600 59282/27/2018 10:30:29 AM
0905025007 Slot Score Increased* 300 43281/22/2018 4:38:41 PM
0936352006 Removed -80 402810/25/2016 10:55:28 AM
0957210012 Slot Score Reduced* -60 38339/1/2015 3:05:07 PM
0905025008 Slot Score Reduced* -12 38939/1/2015 3:05:06 PM
0957210014 Slot Score Reduced* -45 39059/1/2015 3:05:05 PM
1096820005 Removed -80 39501/28/2014 12:11:54 PM
0143558016 Removed -195 40301/28/2014 12:11:53 PM
1096820008 Added 80 42254/18/2012 4:22:15 PM
1096820007 Added 80 41454/18/2012 4:22:15 PM
1096820006 Added 80 40654/18/2012 4:22:15 PM
1096820005 Added 80 39854/18/2012 4:22:15 PM
Initial Score 3905 39054/27/2011 4:22:23 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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