CGC Registry

Avengers Canadian Editions /Price Variants in the U.K.

Set Type: Avengers Canadian Editions/Price Variants
Owner: Robin Bain
Last Modified: 2/16/2024
Views: 102

Rank: 1
Score: 150
Leading by: 130
Points to Higher Rank: N/A
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0303697002 Added 6 15011/28/2023 10:26:53 AM
3836303006 Added 12 14411/28/2023 10:24:56 AM
1228544016 Added 20 13211/28/2023 10:24:15 AM
2100818005 Added 20 11211/28/2023 10:23:19 AM
3779167013 Added 20 9211/28/2023 10:22:31 AM
1228544015 Added 20 7211/28/2023 10:21:42 AM
2119223012 Added 20 5211/28/2023 10:20:07 AM
3779167011 Added 12 3211/28/2023 10:19:20 AM
3779167009 Added 20 2011/28/2023 10:18:39 AM
Initial Score 0 011/28/2023 10:17:10 AM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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