CGC Registry

Thor 126-177 Lee /Kirby Run (Specialized) in the U.K.

Set Type: Thor 126-177 Lee/Kirby Run (Specialized)
Owner: Robin Bain
Last Modified: 1/12/2024
Views: 102

Rank: 15
Score: 1685
Leading by: 185
Points to Higher Rank: 24
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0071360020 Added 150 168512/21/2023 7:53:31 AM
0966463015 Added 600 153512/21/2023 7:53:31 AM
0342462003 Added 120 93512/21/2023 7:53:31 AM
0109408024 Added 310 81512/21/2023 7:53:31 AM
0976270010 Added 155 50512/21/2023 7:53:30 AM
0263819005 Added 117 35012/21/2023 7:53:30 AM
0144132028 Added 233 23312/21/2023 7:53:30 AM
Initial Score 0 012/16/2023 8:57:26 AM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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