CGC Registry

All Star Crazy

Set Type: All Star Comics #1-#57 (1940)
Owner: johnoj
Last Modified: 10/19/2019
Views: 814

Rank: 32
Score: 2513
Leading by: 161
Points to Higher Rank: 67
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0986236015 Removed -436 251310/19/2019 11:34:40 AM
0065704014 Removed -725 294910/19/2019 11:32:34 AM
0064544006 Removed -362 367410/19/2019 11:32:34 AM
0157252002 Added 370 403610/19/2019 11:32:33 AM
0990624018 Added 249 366610/19/2019 11:32:33 AM
1028873007 Removed -368 341710/19/2019 11:32:32 AM
0157252001 Removed -177 37853/17/2017 12:22:26 PM
0917772011 Removed -672 39626/25/2015 12:52:47 PM
0990624018 Removed -249 46345/14/2014 9:59:02 AM
0157252002 Removed -370 48835/14/2014 9:59:02 AM
0225202002 Added 104 46341/28/2014 2:03:53 PM
0157252002 Removed -370 45301/28/2014 11:35:24 AM
0990624018 Removed -249 49001/28/2014 11:35:24 AM
0910176004 Removed -656 514912/13/2013 12:00:08 PM
0917772011 Added 672 58055/18/2013 3:19:38 PM
0986236015 Added 436 51338/29/2011 8:01:21 AM
Initial Score 4697 46973/9/2011 12:33:23 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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