CGC Registry

Harveyfanatic's Spooky Haunted House (1972)

Set Type: Spooky Haunted House (1972) Harvey
Owner: Harveyfanatic
Last Modified: 6/16/2017
Views: 575

Rank: 2
Score: 1264
Leading by: 979
Points to Higher Rank: 60
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0910108009 Added 144 12646/12/2017 2:34:45 PM
1054341010 Added 72 11205/3/2017 2:43:58 PM
1054341003 Added 144 10485/3/2017 2:43:58 PM
0967994013 Added 144 90410/3/2013 11:51:33 PM
0967994014 Added 96 76010/3/2013 11:48:44 PM
1041134006 Added 72 6648/5/2013 12:22:28 AM
Initial Score 592 5925/22/2011 11:52:24 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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