CGC Registry

HiTMAN's Ms. Marvel Run

Set Type: Ms. Marvel (1977) Any Variant
Owner: HiTMAN1099
Last Modified: 10/9/2020
Views: 549

Rank: 11
Score: 1672
Leading by: 56
Points to Higher Rank: 128
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0706073016 Slot Score Reduced* -40 167210/9/2020 1:03:27 PM
0911673018 Removed -56 17127/23/2019 9:46:34 AM
0743757028 Removed -56 17687/10/2019 8:59:49 AM
0038947015 Slot Score Increased* 80 18243/14/2018 5:00:10 PM
0038947015 Slot Score Increased* 496 174412/5/2014 12:04:34 PM
0717602003 Removed -56 12482/21/2014 12:17:51 PM
0068529021 Removed -200 13043/27/2013 6:12:42 PM
Initial Score 1504 15041/18/2011 12:51:43 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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