CGC Registry

Amazing Adventures (1961)

Set Type: Amazing Adventures (1961)
Owner: mysterio
Last Modified: 1/1/2020
Views: 772

Rank: 4
Score: 2837
Leading by: 783
Points to Higher Rank: 670
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0789379004 Added 208 283712/16/2019 5:31:16 AM
0121238002 Removed -185 262912/12/2019 11:11:08 AM
0240858004 Added 347 281410/29/2014 8:46:50 AM
0069465001 Removed -185 246710/29/2014 8:46:50 AM
0121238002 Slot Score Increased* 62 265212/2/2013 2:22:11 PM
0069465001 Slot Score Increased* 62 259012/2/2013 2:22:11 PM
0001778001 Slot Score Increased* 116 252812/2/2013 2:22:11 PM
1023940001 Slot Score Increased* 350 241212/2/2013 2:22:11 PM
1041725003 Slot Score Increased* 69 206212/2/2013 2:22:11 PM
1072701001 Slot Score Increased* 225 199312/2/2013 2:22:11 PM
1072701001 Added 452 17688/22/2012 6:28:22 PM
1041725002 Removed -226 13168/22/2012 6:28:20 PM
1023940001 Slot Score Increased* 180 15427/20/2012 5:03:49 PM
0001778001 Slot Score Increased* 51 13627/20/2012 5:03:49 PM
0069465001 Slot Score Increased* 28 13117/20/2012 5:03:49 PM
1041725002 Slot Score Increased* 56 12837/20/2012 5:03:49 PM
0121238002 Slot Score Increased* 28 12277/20/2012 5:03:49 PM
1041725003 Slot Score Increased* 39 11997/20/2012 5:03:49 PM
1041725003 Added 100 11601/25/2012 9:30:00 AM
0118466002 Removed -70 10601/25/2012 9:29:58 AM
1041725002 Added 170 11301/25/2012 9:29:57 AM
Initial Score 960 9603/22/2011 8:16:48 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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