CGC Registry

The Phantom Lady Knows

Set Type: Phantom Lady (1947)
Owner: Comicdey
Last Modified: 3/31/2021
Views: 672

Rank: 5
Score: 6769
Leading by: 567
Points to Higher Rank: 2296
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0952047001 Slot Score Increased* 1183 67693/31/2021 4:10:36 PM
0951289006 Slot Score Reduced* -760 558612/21/2018 4:00:12 PM
0780767019 Slot Score Increased* 112 634612/21/2018 3:59:48 PM
0061031002 Slot Score Increased* 250 623412/21/2018 3:58:52 PM
1023783003 Slot Score Reduced* -1997 598412/21/2018 3:58:35 PM
0952047001 Slot Score Increased* 700 798112/21/2018 3:58:12 PM
1023783003 Slot Score Increased* 2761 72816/12/2018 3:55:07 PM
0951289006 Slot Score Increased* 930 45206/12/2018 2:26:25 PM
0951289006 Slot Score Increased* 500 35905/4/2018 12:36:51 PM
0952047001 Slot Score Increased* 455 30905/4/2018 12:34:30 PM
0952047001 Added 945 26351/12/2014 3:37:14 AM
0150284002 Removed -405 16901/12/2014 3:37:14 AM
0150284002 Added 405 20951/12/2014 3:36:54 AM
0952047001 Removed -945 16901/12/2014 3:36:52 AM
Initial Score 2635 26351/19/2011 11:56:35 AM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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