CGC Registry

Gatsby's Black Terror Excitings

Set Type: Exciting Comics
Owner: Gatsby77
Last Modified: 7/18/2016
Views: 526

Rank: 21
Score: 180
Leading by: 15
Points to Higher Rank: 32
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0954814001 Removed -192 1807/18/2016 9:00:14 AM
0029376005 Removed -190 3728/15/2014 11:34:57 AM
0946092003 Slot Score Increased* 80 5625/29/2013 10:52:33 AM
0029376005 Slot Score Increased* 70 4825/29/2013 10:52:33 AM
0954814001 Slot Score Increased* 112 4125/29/2013 10:52:33 AM
Initial Score 300 30010/2/2010 12:00:00 AM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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