CGC Registry

Green Around The Gills

Set Type: Tales to Astonish #27 & #35-#101
Owner: Flaming_Telepath
Last Modified: 4/27/2023
Views: 964

Rank: 31
Score: 6465
Leading by: 20
Points to Higher Rank: 964
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0044668018 Slot Score Increased* 775 64654/27/2023 4:07:41 PM
0044668018 Slot Score Increased* 137 56904/26/2023 2:57:28 PM
0070822014 Slot Score Increased* 630 55534/6/2023 3:31:35 PM
0097435019 Added 120 49235/13/2013 5:32:31 PM
0097435019 Slot Score Reduced* -100 48035/13/2013 5:32:18 PM
0705445002 Removed -270 49033/22/2012 10:49:55 AM
0038312010 Removed -338 51733/20/2012 8:00:15 PM
0702154005 Removed -270 55112/28/2012 7:30:23 AM
0708669019 Removed -270 57812/28/2012 7:30:11 AM
0068717004 Removed -270 605112/22/2011 8:23:17 AM
0749899017 Removed -150 632112/16/2011 9:39:04 PM
Initial Score 6471 64712/21/2011 7:26:20 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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